
If it was a life and death matter and you had to choose between eating nonkosher and Hallal, which would you choose?

Halal all the way, man!
6 (28.6%)
Nonkosher...Halal is poison
4 (19%)
Makes no difference, both are unkosher.
8 (38.1%)
I would rather DIE DIE DIE!!!
1 (4.8%)
Can bacon be considered halal?
2 (9.5%)
choices A and C
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Author Topic: For those of you who are Kosher  (Read 28202 times)

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Offline Tzvi Ben Roshel1

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Re: For those of you who are Kosher
« Reply #100 on: November 27, 2007, 09:38:08 PM »
I would lay off our friend Dannycookie57.  He doesn't like being pushed around and I respect that, I don't want to be pushed around either.  I think Dannycookie57 and his parents are among the great Jews, certainly  superior to some anti-Israel nonsense spewing Yeshiva students I met and better than 98% of the Jews who are conservative or reform and who have no pride in themselves.  The Iranian Sephardim I met are a very proud and tough people who go to Shul every Sabbath and respect the Rabbi and the Shul even more than many religious Askenazim even though they may not be not fully observant.  Although us religious Jews only have good intentions for trying to make people more religious, at times it is harmful to be forceful and at these instances you should only speak when asked directly about something. 

What a horrible post, really. Just when I was getting to the guy, you put words which would influence him and others of justifying breaking Shabbat.

Tzvi you weren't getting to me..sorry to burst your bubble.

and nobody is encouraging me to break shabbat. Shabbat has a different meaning to me than it does for you right now. 

but believe me, everytime I think about Shabbat, I do think about what you have to say about it, so I have taken it to heart..so not all is lost.  The thing is Jews have two choices: to wander the desert for 40 years till they find the promised land, or take that shortcut right then and there. My friend, I'm a wanderer...that's the only way I'll learn...but by all means, you can take that short cut if you want.

 By your own example you should learn something. Do you know what happened to all (except 2) Jews who wondered in the dessert? They all died out.
 I didnt take any short-cut. It takes a lot of time in learning and following all laws, etc. But Im just saying Shabbat has to be started, and its like saying okay I wont be a murderer, but just let me kill murder a few people and then maybe I'll change. (you get the analogy)
The Academy of Elijah taught, whoever studies the laws (of the Torah) every day, (he) is guaranteed to have a share in the World to Come.

‏119:139 צִמְּתַתְנִי קִנְאָתִי כִּישָׁכְחוּ דְבָרֶיךָ צָרָי
My zeal incenses me, for my adversaries have forgotten Your words.
‏119:141 צָעִיר אָנֹכִי וְנִבְזֶה פִּקֻּדֶיךָ, לֹא שָׁכָחְתִּי.
 I am young and despised; I have not forgotten Your precepts.

" A fool does not realize, and an unwise person does not understand this (i.e. the following:) When the wicked bloom like grass, and the evildoers blossom (i.e. when they seem extremly successful), it is to destroy them forever (i.e. they are rewarded for their few good deeds in this World, and they will have no portion in the World to Come!)

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Offline OdKahaneChai

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Re: For those of you who are Kosher
« Reply #101 on: November 27, 2007, 09:41:41 PM »
I would lay off our friend Dannycookie57.  He doesn't like being pushed around and I respect that, I don't want to be pushed around either.  I think Dannycookie57 and his parents are among the great Jews, certainly  superior to some anti-Israel nonsense spewing Yeshiva students I met and better than 98% of the Jews who are conservative or reform and who have no pride in themselves.  The Iranian Sephardim I met are a very proud and tough people who go to Shul every Sabbath and respect the Rabbi and the Shul even more than many religious Askenazim even though they may not be not fully observant.  Although us religious Jews only have good intentions for trying to make people more religious, at times it is harmful to be forceful and at these instances you should only speak when asked directly about something. 

What a horrible post, really. Just when I was getting to the guy, you put words which would influence him and others of justifying breaking Shabbat.

Tzvi you weren't getting to me..sorry to burst your bubble.

and nobody is encouraging me to break shabbat. Shabbat has a different meaning to me than it does for you right now. 

but believe me, everytime I think about Shabbat, I do think about what you have to say about it, so I have taken it to heart..so not all is lost.  The thing is Jews have two choices: to wander the desert for 40 years till they find the promised land, or take that shortcut right then and there. My friend, I'm a wanderer...that's the only way I'll learn...but by all means, you can take that short cut if you want.
Danny, here is my suggestion.  Keep one Shabbat.  Fully keep it, Shul and everything.  And then see how you feel.  I can guarantee that by Motzaei Shabbat, you will have a different outlook than you did on Friday night.  This is coming from a relatively recent Baal Teshuva who did the same thing.  :)

One does not deal with terrorists; one does not bargain with terrorists; one kills terrorists.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L, HY"D

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: For those of you who are Kosher
« Reply #102 on: November 27, 2007, 09:49:29 PM »
I would lay off our friend Dannycookie57.  He doesn't like being pushed around and I respect that, I don't want to be pushed around either.  I think Dannycookie57 and his parents are among the great Jews, certainly  superior to some anti-Israel nonsense spewing Yeshiva students I met and better than 98% of the Jews who are conservative or reform and who have no pride in themselves.  The Iranian Sephardim I met are a very proud and tough people who go to Shul every Sabbath and respect the Rabbi and the Shul even more than many religious Askenazim even though they may not be not fully observant.  Although us religious Jews only have good intentions for trying to make people more religious, at times it is harmful to be forceful and at these instances you should only speak when asked directly about something. 

What a horrible post, really. Just when I was getting to the guy, you put words which would influence him and others of justifying breaking Shabbat.

Tzvi you weren't getting to me..sorry to burst your bubble.

and nobody is encouraging me to break shabbat. Shabbat has a different meaning to me than it does for you right now. 

but believe me, everytime I think about Shabbat, I do think about what you have to say about it, so I have taken it to heart..so not all is lost.  The thing is Jews have two choices: to wander the desert for 40 years till they find the promised land, or take that shortcut right then and there. My friend, I'm a wanderer...that's the only way I'll learn...but by all means, you can take that short cut if you want.
Danny, here is my suggestion.  Keep one Shabbat.  Fully keep it, Shul and everything.  And then see how you feel.  I can guarantee that by Motzaei Shabbat, you will have a different outlook than you did on Friday night.  This is coming from a relatively recent Baal Teshuva who did the same thing.  :)

Don't get wrong, i have done exactlyt his before in the past...I have nothing against it. I do believe it is the right thing to do.  However, I'm just not a very observant religious person compared to the majority of you. I completely look up to you guys for doing all of that and may Gd give me and my family the strength and ability and willingly get to where you guys are. I just want you all to understand this is how i feel and how my parents feel.

However, it's not as simple as it seems to the rest of you.

first off, I know what i will need to do once I, Gd willing become a husband and father...that's my next goal with Gd's help. If I find the right wife, then me and her and slowly grow together in this way very gradually..and definately not over night.

believe, I'm capable of all of this. I just don't want to suddenly do this and then over night change my mind and go in teh opposite direction...moderation in religion and secular life for me is the best way to start.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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