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Recnt Howard Beach Murder is Black on White - Where is the Press?

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--- Quote from: fjack on November 12, 2006, 06:05:14 PM ---I don't believe that any white would 'invite' these predators into their house, especially Howard Beach. The animal DA brown will offer them a plea deal down to manslaughter and a black affrimation action judge will turn them loose again, ruling the these creatures are victims of Post Trumatic Slave Syndrome (goggle that phrase and have a good laugh or cry). They will be given all kinds of out patient help to overcome the stress and trauma of living in a racist society.

That illegal that murdered that poor woman will say that he was so anxious to stay in this country that he would kill to do it. Which is exactly what he did. A federal judge will weigh all the evidence and will rule that it could not be this frito bandido's fault since Bush said they have wonderful family values. After given amensty by the democrats he will be able to send for the rest of his relatives in which they can start dealing drugs, prostitute, drink and drive, and collect SSI for their low IQ bastard children that they will produce till AIDS and other sexually transmitted dieases do what the law should have done. KILL HIM!!!!!

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The punishment for every cold-blooded murderer should be as follows:  He should be tied down, and the family members of the victim should be given baseball bats (or any other weapon of their choice) and allowed to kill the scum.  If they like, they can drag it for hours---it's up to them.  This way you accomplish two things:  (1) justice is served, and (2) the family attains closure.  They get to keep the bloodied bats as a souvenir, and the whole event should be broadcast live.  This is a moderate solution compared to collective punishment of executing the murderer's entire family.


--- Quote from: fjack on November 12, 2006, 06:05:14 PM ---I don't believe that any white would 'invite' these predators into their house, especially Howard Beach. The animal DA brown will offer them a plea deal down to manslaughter and a black affrimation action judge will turn them loose again, ruling the these creatures are victims of Post Trumatic Slave Syndrome (goggle that phrase and have a good laugh or cry). They will be given all kinds of out patient help to overcome the stress and trauma of living in a racist society.

That illegal that murdered that poor woman will say that he was so anxious to stay in this country that he would kill to do it. Which is exactly what he did. A federal judge will weigh all the evidence and will rule that it could not be this frito bandido's fault since Bush said they have wonderful family values. After given amensty by the democrats he will be able to send for the rest of his relatives in which they can start dealing drugs, prostitute, drink and drive, and collect SSI for their low IQ bastard children that they will produce till AIDS and other sexually transmitted dieases do what the law should have done. KILL HIM!!!!!

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All extremely true!!! If the media was to report crime committed by blacks accurately whites would be horrified. As it is whites become uncomfortable when black hooded beasts wander through predominately white neighborhoods.  I had to bust out laughing when I saw that black cop last month in a hoody jacket involved in that altercation in Broad Channel. What exactly could be going on in his head going around dressed like that in a predominately white neighborhood. The media made sure that incident  got plenty of press  didn't it.


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