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Greetings from Serbia

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Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
Good work husar *sarcasm* the kid has only been here for a short while and already you label him non-serb... Seriously.

Welcome/Dobro Dosao Vuk to the forum, I'm the Mod for Save Serbia section. And as some of the other JTFers said you're 17 and we'll break it to you slowly or fast depends on how you want to learn.

Listen to my experience, I live in Sweden, Malmoe - the swedish immigration capitol. There are 300 000 thousand people living in Malmoe and 1/3 are muslim. I know egyptians,"fakestinians", lebanese (muslim and christian), irakis, saudis, ( all the arabic countries), i know a sh*tload of siptars,balije and turks. Believe ME when i tell you. That is a religion of redardment. They all<- behave as if they are still in the 14th century.

Except those that are either gay or completely surrounded by christians or swedes.

Hope you enjoy JTF and that your stay is permanent:)

17 ha?you come to right place for reeduciation. :)


--- Quote from: serbchicago on January 06, 2008, 04:05:16 AM ---17 ha?you come to right place for reeduciation. :)

--- End quote ---
:::D re-education, always gives my images of telephone book, rubber hose and a blanket  ^-^

welcome !


--- Quote from: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on January 06, 2008, 01:23:25 AM ---Good work husar *sarcasm* the kid has only been here for a short while and already you label him non-serb... Seriously.

Welcome/Dobro Dosao Vuk to the forum, I'm the Mod for Save Serbia section. And as some of the other JTFers said you're 17 and we'll break it to you slowly or fast depends on how you want to learn.

Listen to my experience, I live in Sweden, Malmoe - the swedish immigration capitol. There are 300 000 thousand people living in Malmoe and 1/3 are muslim. I know egyptians,"fakestinians", lebanese (muslim and christian), irakis, saudis, ( all the arabic countries), i know a sh*tload of siptars,balije and turks. Believe ME when i tell you. That is a religion of redardment. They all<- behave as if they are still in the 14th century.

Except those that are either gay or completely surrounded by christians or swedes.

Hope you enjoy JTF and that your stay is permanent:)

--- End quote ---

According to many, here,
I should have left a long time ago,
yet, I stick to MY beliefs.


with his love/comprehension towards muSSlimongers,
this "vuk" labelled HIMSELF a non-Serb,
without anybody else's help.


Feel free, since you're a moderator,
to "have an eye" on me, to work on my banishment,
and if you succeed in that dirty task,
it would be the sign JTF hasn't got the Good Serbs
but has the MEEKER ones, the ones (people)
that form the majority of this planet,
remaining silent, sheep-like, when the VUK (wolf)
is among them, slaughtering them, one by one.


Accuse me of "extremism" if you want,
anybody, I do not care.


That's it.
That's all of it.


JTF defends SERBIA,
not Serbia's enemies,
neither seeks to "understand" Serbia's enemies,
nor does JTF want to have its most
hot-tempered members banned.

I guess.


One more:
Numerous false Serbs
(while the NAZICROAT
invasion was occuring)
entered the forum,
shall we regret them also ?



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