Well it is hard to find something about this subject in English.
There were several pro Serbian sites which had articles about the ustasha and communist collaboration but they are now offline.
About Tito. I can only say the following about Tito and his communists.
Tito’s identity was always a mystery.
He represented his self as a Croat from a poor Croatian family.
He had some strange talents for a average country boy. He controlled several languages. He had also knowledge of some special sports. Further his accent was not typical Croatian. Seems like the Serb- Croat language was his second (foreign) language. Also nobody known him in his so called birth place in Croatia.
Tito was a son of a rich family from Vienna.
His father was of Jewish origin and his mother was a Austrian woman.
His was raised as a catholic.
During the WW1 Tito fought on the Austrian side against the Serbs.
He and his men were the first united which across the Drina river and entered into Serbia. He, Tito was rewarded by the Austrian military authorities because of his “courage”. He was rewarded because of these actions: when he entered Serbia he started fanatical to kill the Serb population.
This men became later the head of Serbia. Tito was sent by dark Masonic organizations with purpose to take control of the Serbian people. During WW2 Tito organized the Yugoslav communist movement which was found by non Serbs but the Serbs became the majority in it’s ranks. They naïve Serbs believed that the Partisans (communists) were the true fighters against the invaders (Germans). The Serbs became loyal to the communists because this dark and undemocratic movement had it's base in Moscow in Russia.
The Serbian royalists the Cetniks warned the Serbs that Russia is not Russia anymore!
When Lenin gained power in Russia, Russia became under the rule of anti Orthodox Masonic criminals who started to create brother war between the Russians. This same happened to the Serbs.
Tito was the worst criminal who ruled over Serbia. Tito was launched in Serbia to destroy the Serbs, to separate the Serbs from their traditions and religion. If the Serbs were separated from the Orthodox religion than they would be able to accept an other religion.
Who had benefits with this all? Which dark organization was behind this all?
Thing your self!
Tito was also supported by the world’s anti Jewish lobby which aimed for the destruction of the Jewish people and the state of Israel.
Criminal Arafat and his ideol Mason Tito.
Many world’s criminals were present at the funeral of the criminal Tito.