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Ask JTF For November 19 Broadcast
Dear Chaim,
What do you think of the black hats and mode of dress that some Hussedic Jews wear. Is it true that they picked up this mode of dress from the Eastern Europeans who oppressed them in Poland and Eastern Europe?
Hello Chaim
We saw this past election how the Republican party took a drumming results after results in both House and Senate and I don't know if any good will come out of this my concern with this as well is illegal immigration flood gates will be bigger with the Democrats holding Cap. Hill. And now that black hippo Charles Rangle from Harlem is going to be in charge of spending I have a gut feeling we are going to be taxed like crazy to help supply for Rangles district for Harlem and Newark and Detroit etc. And as I said before they will end up rubbing out our borders to have the third world flooding in and do the Coocarachia dance right into America. Now where do we go from here?
Shalom Chaim,
I was raised a 'conservative' Jew and it bothers me that our Rabbis are so liberal on matters such as mixed marriages and homosexuals. However, I still believe conservative and even reform Judaism gets it right by encouraging bat-mitzvahs, and the general idea of calling women to read from the Torah.
Why shouldn't righteous, religious women also be given this opportunity?
Zionist Revolutionary:
--- Quote from: Daniel on November 10, 2006, 09:54:34 PM ---How can you possibly have any type of admiration for Jerry Falwell who very openly expresses with his sanctimonious satanic smirk that "G-d almighty doesn't hear the prayer of a Jew"
--- End quote ---
I have heard this incorrectly attributed to Jerry Falwell/Pat Robertson twice on the internet now. Once here, and once on the old Jews for Judaism forum.
This is a quote by Bailey Smith, not Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell.
Chaim you are making excellent shows, I envy your G—d given abilities to put everything together so well and talk so eloquently. What is the JTF’s position on the O.U. [Orthodox Union who are now producing interesting Right—leaning audio programs in addition what’s your take on the ZOA [Morton Klein, who opposed the expulsion vigorously and Sharon] , Agudath Yisroel of America, Agudah U.K. who come out with the “Jewish Tribune” newspaper or the ‘Hamodia’ newspaper?
Incidentally: The Zionist Organization of America, founded in 1897, says it “is pro—Israel. The ZOA also claims it works to “strengthen U.S.—Israel relations”, “educates the American public and Congress about the dangers that Israel faces”, and “combats anti—Israel bias in the media and on college campuses”. DO YOU AGREE?
A RECENT QUOTE: ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said: “[i]Recent polls show that approximately 64% to 74% of Israelis oppose any further withdrawals in Judea and Samaria and the giving away of 92% of Judea and Samaria. The public realizes more clearly than ever that the continuing terrorism and violence … nothing to do with land and questions of Palestinian statehood but with Israel’s destruction. The left—wing, which still insists on giving away more land to the Palestinians, would only further endanger Israel by bringing Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups closer to Israel’s major population centers. Unsurprisingly, the overwhelming majority of Israelis oppose these proposals[/i]...”
ZOA’s past presidents have included Louis Brandeis and Rabbi Dr. Abba Hillel Silver.
Thanks a lot. Have a Shavua Tov!
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