It is rely sadly to see how Serbs forget our entire glorious history ! In past we have OUR Kindom of Yugoslavia, we was great state, look this

! You also spoke that our royal family do not speak serbian look this fact dear serbian brathers and sisters :
1) Tito do not alow our King to live in Serbia, so I woud ask you, in his place, to life in USA and other weat state, to be born there like King Aleksandar I, and use always english in ordinery life, do you will now serbian very well like in Belgrade !
2) Our prince study in Belgrade, so in what languaqe he speak, maybe in Chinise !
3) Only blind radical do not like him, beacouse they fear from him to not be pupet to west and USA !
4) We can make simbolic monarchy like United Kindom ! They was so smart to esatablish kindom, so other can be King !
5) You spoke for banana Serbia, but you forget that Serbia if not be kindom and strong state soon, will lose Vojvodina, Sandjak, Presevo and Bujanovac, simply beacose in Serbia has not real strog poltical party to lead us ! So I see strong Serbia only whit King in power and real political right party, who will lead us to return what is ours whit smart metod legal, but if we cant then ilegal metods !
See this and ansfer ! Sory I have not be here 5 days !!! CCCC