I had a problem with your post concerning
filip de winter, who is PRO-NAZICROAT...
...STILL, I didn't bother you at all about this.

This philip represents the "Free Flandres", doesn't he ?
And that's what you whish too...
You're ABSOLUTELY wrong:
not a single of my posts
is about some "yugoslavia",
they're about SERBIA.

..."europe" ?
Which one ? The WWII one,
that gave NAZIGERMANY thumbs up ?
The modern one, which INSULTED,
(because Serbia fights AGAINST NAZIS AND MUSSLIMS !!!) ?

We Serbs happened to "MEET" "croats".....
So I know what I'm writing about,
concerning them.

"judge "C"roatians before I met them".....
You do not have to judge them,
History of Genocide did it.
They JUST wait for their PUNITION,
which hasn't come yet (!!!)...

What happens to "your countries"
doesn't WORRY me at all,
SINCE, when Serbs WORRY
about what is going on in their Country,
they EVEN get BOMBED,
by "your countries"...

Which "love" are you talking about ?
came from "european" side...
Serbian "side" consisted
JUST in trying to survive
to the new arise of NAZIENEMIES.

Serbia, in spite of WHERE "neo"-NAZIS came from,
of the ENORMOUS SUPPORT "europe" gave to its arch-enemies,
DIDN'T BOMB A SINGLE "european country".
Not a single terrorist bomb was put
by the Serbs, neither in the u.s.a., nor in europe,
in spite of their CRIME against Serbs and Serbia...

Concerning the Serbs,
you don't have to help us building a strong movement,
since we lead WAR against our enemies, much,
much more before we both were born.
You JUST have to tell to your "european" leaders
to LET the Serbs and Serbia defend themselves.

"Together with all europeans !"...?
That was more than VALID concerning NAZICROATS.
All europeans came to fight with them, AGAINST the Serbs.

If I do not relate much to Russians in my posts,
it is because I am aware that many JTFers HATE RUSSIA,
spitting and vomiting on Her, considering Her "a threat",
to say the least...
That HURTS me very much,
but I won't enter in conflicts with JTFers
concerning this point.
Western europeans are WORST than arabs and turks.
western europeans DID IT,
and many, many times...

MUSSLIM invasion of france PLEASES me a lot.
france IS ABOUT (soon, I hope) to see WHAT it is like
to have vast muSSlim "populations" on its soil...
It will, ONLY THEN, know what Serbia felt, you know:
france BETRAYED Serbia, to an unparalleled level.

every single muSSlim
pretention on Serbian Land,
silenced every single muSSlim
murder of Serbs, sent food
(and hidden weapons !!!)
to muSSlims ONLY, and this,
UNDER THE "flag" of the
french red CROSS !!!

I stay here, because I'm born here,
was here in school, army, etc.
I'm not to be ashamed
of what france DID.
france has to be ashamed...

france can only be HONOURED
by my Serbian Presence on its soil.

I will bash scatholics to the end of my days,
and, guess what...EVEN AFTER.

Don't talk to us, Serbs, about
scatholic difficulties to
recrute JTF members...
That were many
into JTF...

I live in france, but since it's not bad news
for me, to see muSSlims invade this traitorious country,
I won't OFFEND you, or any "european", by going
in the "save europe that BOMBED Serbia for muSSlim's sake" section...
europe wants itself to be SAFE of Serbs,
NOT of muSSlims...
Good luck....

What are you talking about ?
JTF doesn't accept ANY kind
of Religious proselytism.

If you don't want to "waste time"
about these questions, which I understand,
you'd JUST have to acknowledge WHAT
europe and NAZICROATS DID to Serbs and Serbia...
It was cannibalistic.