Author Topic: Response to Hidden Author's Question This Week  (Read 891 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Response to Hidden Author's Question This Week
« on: December 03, 2007, 02:58:17 AM »
Hidden Author, I'm not even remotely convinced yet that you are sincere, but I did want to address this in a professional manner:

Quote from: Hidden Author
Suppose that you do gain power. Expelling the Arabs, blowing the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, fighting the enraged Islamic armies, seizing the land from the Nile to the Euphrates, garrisoning the new borders and repopulating the area would take up tremendous amounts of manpower for many years even if successful. The vast majority of the Jewish adult able-bodied male population would be needed and the labor force would have to be replaced either by at least a million Jewish women and/or Gentiles. The economy would have to support both the soldiers and the laborers. In short, it seems that you would have to transform Israel into a garrison state like North Korea. And that's if you WIN! Maybe that's why the establishment and most of the political parties are so afraid of Kahanism...
How would this be difficult? All of this could be accomplished in a matter of a couple of days, if that long, and with very few casualties, by the Israeli Air Force. Israel today has the most powerful air force in the region by far--and I think you'd acknowledge what the IAF was capable of doing back in 1967 with vastly inferior equipment. In fact, all of what you describe basically isn't any different from Israel's miraculous victory in 1967.

The Israeli economy would benefit because Israel would possess all of the spoils of war (that always belonged to it in the first place), like Sinai oil, the fertile land of the east bank of the Jordan, and the farms, lumber, coastline, and financial centers of Lebanon. As for the population crisis, religious Jews from the world over would flock to the new liberated land and, with their very large families, fill it in no time flat.

The one problem that I will concede is that under decades of Bolshevism, the training, combat readiness, and will to fight/win of the IDF have tanked. That is a very serious problem that constitutes a dire emergency for Israel. However, since a great Kahanist victory would fill Israel's citizenry with patriotism and pride, there is a huge chance that that this would take care of itself, in large part, before the Kahanists even take office.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2007, 03:04:02 AM by C.F. »