The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Neal Boortz on Muslim Outrage -- awesome
Straight shooter.
I heard this once very good but he still says Radical Islam and about '' Great Muslim Culture" Islam has no culture it is created by a maniac who was a killer, rapist and a pedaphilist.
--- Quote from: MasterWolf1 on November 18, 2006, 09:16:21 PM ---I heard this once very good but he still says Radical Islam and about '' Great Muslim Culture" Islam has no culture it is created by a maniac who was a killer, rapist and a pedaphilist.
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You're right---he inserted the usual PC "tiny minority of extremists" apologetics, unfortunately.
--- Quote from: iwantmysay on November 23, 2006, 04:38:11 PM ---islam has a culture like jews and christians i bet not a single person on this board could tell me what muslims believe in.. u think its some made up fantasy religion. But because of the media etc ure being deceived... dont go talking about things u dont know the meaning about.
UGGGHHH DOESN'T ANYONE HAVE RESPECT? some one give me a gd answer plz..
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Hmm... let's see: stoning women, molesting goats, pedophilia, female genital mutilation, cruelty to dogs, honor killings, breaking treaties, pan-Arabic aspirations for a global caliphate, coercing infidels to convert to Islam or accept dhimmitude, deceiving infidels about the true intentions of Islam through taqiya and tuquq, spreading Islam stealthily through da'wa in prisons.
Darn, such a short list. I guess you're right---I really don't know anything about Islam.
--- Quote from: iwantmysay on November 23, 2006, 04:38:11 PM ---islam has a culture like jews and christians i bet not a single person on this board could tell me what muslims believe in.. u think its some made up fantasy religion. But because of the media etc ure being deceived... dont go talking about things u dont know the meaning about.
UGGGHHH DOESN'T ANYONE HAVE RESPECT? some one give me a gd answer plz..
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Again, please, we ALL are very well knowledged on Islam, or at least the vast majority of us and we choose NOT to be Muslim. We have no respect whatsoever for such a molestation of historical fact, advocated deprevity and every inhumane act and/or profession under the sun. You have absolutely no idea about your own history in that you blame every one else as "haters" while ALL of the terrorism today is Islamic and ALL of the conflicts on Earth today involve Islam. Why? I'm sure India, Russia, Spain, France, England, America, Canada, Sudan, Chad, Phillippines, Italy, Greece has something to do with Jews you know as a Muslim you have to blame the Jew for all of your problems? Muslims believe in one G-d, Allah or perhaps Ar Rahman another Ilah? Islam is a religion and a deprave seudo-culture stemming from its backward twisted teachings which literally stopped all progress in the Islamic World which is reason why the Islamic World is what it is and why the civilized Christian West is what it is. As a matter of fact, Islam is a made up fantasy religion. Your murderous, immoral subhuman "prophet" Mohammed invented it for pure arrogance and quest for political power over the vastly ignorant dirt dwellers of Arabia. Why do you have a Moon and a sword? Are they symbols of "peace"? I'd say the sword is a good symbol of WAR, DEATH and beheadings...NOT "peace". As a matter of fact you should be happy with Marxist Western Media, because it is pretty much solely the distorted Media and the deballed politicians and Christian West which allowed the Moslem attrocities to continue in Europe and every other nation that has inhabitants professing to the farsical "Religion of Peace". Ask yourself, where are all the massacres, bombings, beheadings, rapes, murders of Muslims by Christians, Jews, Druze, Buddhists and Hindus in the Islamic World or anywhere else? Believe me, if you can answer any of these questions with a modicum of inteligence you will have shown your knowledge. I'm betting you cannot answer yet only pass blame onto someone else or display illogical and factually molested reasoning.
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