Author Topic: EUSSR : Counterjihad : about right-wing EU-parties/bloggers/academics/citizens  (Read 1999 times)

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Saturday, December 01, 2007
An Open Letter to Our European Readers

by Baron Bodissey
To our readers:

When we started our blog, Dymphna and I had no intention of specializing in the European Counterjihad. We fell into the job by accident.

And now, thanks to all the recent conflict over the supposed “neo-Nazis” in Sverigedemokraterna and Vlaams Belang, the transatlantic crack between the European and American anti-jihad efforts has widened into a chasm.

We have chosen sides: we support the traditional, indigenous, patriotic resistance to Islamization that is growing rapidly throughout Western Europe. We believe that the fear of Nazis and fascists is absurd and misplaced. The dread of a resurgence of race-based totalitarianism has nothing to do with reality. It is the result of decades of Leftist indoctrination and has culminated in the official repressive anti-free speech policies of the European Union.

The spectre of the return of jack-booted storm troopers is a bogeyman conjured up to keep the children of Europe cowering under the covers while the adults of the EU nomenklatura go about the business of creating Eurabia.

I have personally met and taken the measure of many activists in the European resistance, not just members of Vlaams Belang and Sverigedemokraterna, but also bloggers, academics, writers, and ordinary citizens. These people came together in Brussels with a single common purpose: to discuss the status of Islamization in their individual countries, and to plan for the rollback of sharia wherever it appears.

To cast aspersion on any of them for their associations is a travesty, and I repudiate it.

Many Americans are relatively ignorant of what’s happening in Europe. Public affairs in our large and entertaining country are enough to keep any news junkie occupied full-time. Europe is a sideshow.

Thanks to the persistence of the WW2 narrative and the leftist simplification endemic in our legacy media, Europe is painted in primary colors. Stereotypes are rife: the gracious and enlightened socialism of the EU somehow manages to coexist with the atavistic brownshirts who are eternally on the verge of staging a putsch to reclaim their rightful heritage. Universal health care side by side with fascism. A perfect socialist state which is about to be overthrown by Nazis.

Any European outside of the foaming-at-the-mouth Left knows that this analysis is nonsense. It’s a fairy tale, but it’s a damaging one.

The great harm brought on by the bitterness of this quarrel is mostly confined to our side of the Atlantic. The schism appears to be unavoidable and irreparable: defending against the attacks and refuting the allegations has only served to engender additional and more vitriolic attacks.

American bloggers — and I refer not only to Gates of Vienna, but to many others as well — have had anathema pronounced upon them by other American bloggers. We have been branded “racists”, “xenophobes”, “white supremacists”, “neo-Nazi enablers”, and all the other feverish appellations that until recently had been epithets used solely by the far Left.

On balance, however, the conflict has been salutary. It has brought clarity to the situation, allowing us to see who is willing to make tough choices and take incoming fire when real action, and not simply talk, is at stake.

It’s now much clearer where our divisions lie: not just between the Right and the Left, but between those on the Right who are still hypnotized by political correctness, and those who have shaken themselves free of it.

It’s useful to discover how many people, even among conservatives, are in thrall to the shibboleth of racism. Good, decent people without a racist bone in their bodies turn away from their erstwhile allies — people who are just as non-racist as themselves — as soon as the “R” word is hurled in their general direction.
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It’s difficult to shake off the fear of such stigmatization. Despite the fact that what we conservatives believe will always cause us to be branded as racists, there remains a lingering irrational hope that somehow, if we make our good intentions and pure motives completely clear and prove that we never, ever discriminate against anybody, we can persuade our enemies on the Left to like us and accept us.

Waking up and discovering that all of this was a childish dream is not a pleasant experience. The world that confronts us is ugly and unforgiving, and riddled through with ambiguities and compromises that we would rather not face.

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Another helpful result of the crisis has been to demonstrate that the grassroots Counterjihad movements in Europe are on their own. Abandoned by their own leaders and media, they are now branded as neo-Nazis by many American conservatives as soon as they attempt to form practical working coalitions to defend their countries from Islamization.

From an American perspective, it appears that a Europe overrun by Islam is to be preferred to risking the stain of “racism”.

No European country or organization is free from prior associations with people now considered beyond the pale. It doesn’t seem to matter that the same is true of Americans: both Republicans and the Democrats would be persona non grata if equivalent expectations were applied to them. Only native Europeans are held to this ridiculous standard.

To satisfy the ideological purists on our side of the Atlantic, European groups would have to be utterly without stain. They would have to demonstrate themselves to be free of “the sin of racism”. Their inner cleanliness would have to be proved to… well, to whom? The Anti-Racism Purity Board? The ADL? The NAACP? Jesse Jackson? Al Sharpton?

Who will be appointed to set the standards and pass judgment?

And why should any European pay attention to them in the first place?

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Fortunately for everyone, the networks of the European Counterjihad are forming organically, even without the approval of self-appointed moral arbiters in the United States. Links among groups are being forged both within countries and across borders, resulting in a real pan-European movement that stands in stark contrast to that artificial and totalitarian monstrosity known as “the European Union”.

It’s not a top-down operation. Grassroots groups emerge, expand, encounter one another, and interconnect. Political parties that have been marginalized and demonized — Lega Nord, Vlaams Belang, Dansk Folkeparti, Sverigedemokraterna, and Partij voor de Vrijheid, for example — are tapping into this network. Eventually, even in the face of official suppression, these voices will have to be heard.

My advice is: don’t count on much help from your high-minded American cousins. Those who understand and support you are the least likely to have the resources necessary to help you.

However, you already have the necessary resources at hand. Public opinion polls show that ordinary European citizens are solidly in support of rolling back Eurabia and reclaiming their traditional way of life.

Communication and coordination are the required tools. Vigilant Freedom Europa is just one meta-network; many others are out there doing the same kind of work. Anyone with a computer and a modem is already a node in that network. If you continue to stay in touch and add connections, the strength and resilience of the network can only increase.

What you are discussing and attempting is now illegal in most European countries. It can bring fines, loss of employment, a cessation of public benefits, and jail time, assuming the mujahideen don’t find you first and give you the Theo Van Gogh treatment. Every day courageous people among you are risking their careers, their liberty, and their lives for the sake of this cause.

For what it’s worth, coming from a keyboard jockey safe within the borders of the Sovereign Commonwealth of Virginia: I support your efforts. I wish there were more that I could do to help.

I’ve said before that I stand with the Jews.

But I also stand with the Europeans.

Kind regards,
Baron Bodissey
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.