Author Topic: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!  (Read 9761 times)

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Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« on: December 05, 2007, 12:53:34 PM »
So what is it?

There are at least two known kinds of Yowie in Australia that we can be reasonably certain about. There are the large Yowie that is normally between 6-10ft and the smaller, yet fully-grown variety that is roughly 4-5ft. These different species/Genus are found in nearly every Country around the World.

The sightings of the "Hairy Man" are not always a 'one off' glimpse, but are sometimes witnessed up to 30 people at the same time over prolonged periods. Could this be mass hysteria? Not likely. There is more evidence to suggest that the Yowie does exist, than not.

The same Species of this Genus is probably best known in North America/Canada as Sasquatch and in the southern states of America as Bigfoot. In areas of China as yeti or Chi-Chi, North East of Russia as Chuchuna, midland Russia as Almasty. Today in Africa as Pongo and Engeco, Brazil and Argentina as mapinguary, Japan as Nibagon and so on.

Descriptions and analysis:
Gigantopithecus are often reported are between 6 - 10 feet tall. The hair is normally brownish, although there are cases where the reported hair was Reddish/brown, Dusty light brown, Grey or Black.
The hairy normally covers the whole body except the immediate face. The hair length seems vary depending on climate, it is normally between 2-4 inches.

The Yowies are omnivorous and they will eat anything available. They've been known to steal chickens and other domestic and farmyard animals and retreat back to the bush with them.
They have been seen eating fruit from people's orchards and going through people's garbage bins and rubbish tips. The yowies also eat road kill and basically anything they can lay their hands on.

Some people believe they are solitary in nature because they are mostly sighted alone. This is not entirely true, there are many reports of families being seen together and they have also been sighted in pairs. They are habitual creatures that often stay in the same area for many years, but wander vast areas in search of food.

In Yowie areas, you would more than likely find strange stick structures, snapped trees, massive feats of strength, torn apart trees, human looking trails and trees that have been strangely bent over and woven into forks of other trees.

In the more open areas they like to stay with in the tree line because they don't want to be seen. You can normally find tracks inside the tree line where they follow the main tracks, although there have been some reports of them showing themselves in the open, however this is normally the exception rather then the rule.

They often spend the daytime down in the valleys near water, and find a safe and secure area to sleep; at night they often go to higher ground for hunting or follow the creeks and streams. They differ in personality the same as Humans do, some are passive, and some are dangerous.

A lone human walking through the bush (especially at night), in an active area could be bound for trouble. The Yowie normally stays clear of large groups of humans, but a lone walker could get the scare of his/her life or much worse. It normally starts as a slow 'stalking' process; the victim first thinks he is being followed by another human, as he begins to run, so does the Yowie keeping the same pace. Most will just get a kick out of just scaring you, but as we said it could be much worse if you find yourself alone with one with bad intentions.

If you find yourself in the presence of one of these creatures at night, we recommend a bright torch in the eyes and a lot of loud noise, they will try and scare you off and often follow you from the bush at a 45-degree angle.

They always try to conceal themselves behind objects such as bushes and trees and they are extremely fast through the bush, which is why it is so hard to get a clear photo. Odd shrill whistles and howling are often associated with these creatures. They have great night vision, and they don't like bright lights. They hate being given away by dogs, this irritates them and they often deal with the dog if there is an opportunity.

They are very intelligent in the bush and masters of their environment. They have to be respected.
They sometimes haunt people's homes when they have built on their land. They do this by banging on the walls and doors of their homes in the dead of the night. They are very curious of humans and especially children.

Frequently asked questions:

Why are there no bodies found? No one in Asia has ever found a large primate such as a Gorilla or Orang-utan that has died of natural causes. The large primate goes to the most remote locations in the bush to die in peace, away from predators. After they die, other animals pick the flesh from the carcass until there are only bones left, and then bones are either carried away, covered with dirt and undergrowth or eaten away by the acidic soil. Fossils are the exception rather than the rule. Fossils are rare; otherwise you wouldn't be able to walk a straight line with out stepping on bones everywhere. Keep in mind how many Koalas and Roo's are found dead by natural causes............... none! Even the domestic cat disappears to die.............. The only bodies of Giganto and Robustus found at this stage, are that of fossils. This country also has had its share of fossil evidence.

Why not many photos? Who carries a camera with them at night?
The Yowie is generally a nocturnal primate in human habituated areas, and they roam the most remote areas of our forest.
Occasionally people camping at night will encounter what we call a "fringe walker" Yowie that comes close to civilization and is often only seen briefly, then gone. Not many cameras will work well at night, in fact none of them will.
The Yowie keeps himself hidden while watching the human, and if somehow he IS seen, he normally takes off. Then often by the time the person finds himself a camera and overcomes the fear, it is long gone. If the human chases the Yowie, he will quickly learn that there is no use, its just far too fast and can navigate the most hostile terrain without difficulty.
Always remember that the Yowie has a higher intellect than any other animal, and is smarter than people in its own environment. He does not want to be caught.

How did they get here? The opinion differs from researcher to researcher. Many people believe they walked here from land bridges from Asia during the ice age, which is the most realistic concept. Others believe they could have drifted here on trees and alike after large storms. Some people think they are paranormal...........whatever the fact may be, the most important thing is that they are here.


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 05:54:28 PM »
Newman  ::)  :::D

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2007, 10:22:00 AM »
The only way to settle the debate is to capture a live specimen.


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2007, 10:27:15 AM »
The only way to settle the debate is to capture a live specimen.
You try catching one of those buggers.

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2007, 10:31:34 AM »
I've been trying to catch him for awhile. ;D


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2007, 10:36:57 AM »
I've been trying to catch him for awhile. ;D
I LOOK like one first thing in the morning! :o

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2007, 11:03:38 AM »
I've been trying to catch him for awhile. ;D
I LOOK like one first thing in the morning! :o

yeah, same here.


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2007, 10:56:50 PM »
Just need a trap, six pack of beer and a "4 and 20 beef pie"  8;)


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2007, 10:59:15 PM »
Just need a trap, six pack of beer and a "4 and 20 beef pie"  8;)
They tried using a sheep as live bait but all they caught were some kiwis. :D


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2007, 11:01:57 PM »
Just need a trap, six pack of beer and a "4 and 20 beef pie"  8;)
They tried using a sheep as live bait but all they caught were some kiwis. :D

Yes the were rescuing the poor animals  :-\

They were apart of the RSPCA  ^-^


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2007, 11:09:45 PM »
Just need a trap, six pack of beer and a "4 and 20 beef pie"  8;)
They tried using a sheep as live bait but all they caught were some kiwis. :D

Yes the were rescuing the poor animals  :-\

They were apart of the RSPCA  ^-^
" We were jist hulping ut through the funce!, rully!"


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2007, 11:30:58 PM »
Just need a trap, six pack of beer and a "4 and 20 beef pie"  8;)
They tried using a sheep as live bait but all they caught were some kiwis. :D

Yes the were rescuing the poor animals  :-\

They were apart of the RSPCA  ^-^
" We were jist hulping ut through the funce!, rully!"

AT least they are helpful caring souls  ;)

Offline OdKahaneChai

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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2007, 11:37:30 PM »
After a few Foster's, everything looks like "Yowie," doesn't it.  ;D

One does not deal with terrorists; one does not bargain with terrorists; one kills terrorists.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L, HY"D


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2007, 11:39:11 PM »
After a few Foster's, everything looks like "Yowie," doesn't it.  ;D
Nobody in Australia drinks that dreck!

Foster's is like making love in a canoe.

Offline OdKahaneChai

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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2007, 11:47:58 PM »
After a few Foster's, everything looks like "Yowie," doesn't it.  ;D
Nobody in Australia drinks that dreck!

Foster's is like making love in a canoe.
I know, I know.  We went over this before - that was just to annoy you.  ;D  Replace it with the decent beer of your choosing, and you get the point.

(And just to tell you - the average American, IQ of 70, image of an Australian is a guy dressed in light brown clothing, drinking a Foster's, and wrestling a crocodile...)

One does not deal with terrorists; one does not bargain with terrorists; one kills terrorists.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L, HY"D


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2007, 11:53:20 PM »
After a few Foster's, everything looks like "Yowie," doesn't it.  ;D
Nobody in Australia drinks that dreck!

Foster's is like making love in a canoe.
I know, I know.  We went over this before - that was just to annoy you.  ;D  Replace it with the decent beer of your choosing, and you get the point.

(And just to tell you - the average American, IQ of 70, image of an Australian is a guy dressed in light brown clothing, drinking a Foster's, and wrestling a crocodile...)

Paul has done so much damage to the Australian image  :::D


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2007, 11:55:00 PM »
After a few Foster's, everything looks like "Yowie," doesn't it.  ;D
Nobody in Australia drinks that dreck!

Foster's is like making love in a canoe.

newman how would you know  ??? Would you like to talk about the canoe issue  ^-^


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2007, 12:01:21 AM »
After a few Foster's, everything looks like "Yowie," doesn't it.  ;D
Nobody in Australia drinks that dreck!

Foster's is like making love in a canoe.

newman how would you know  ??? Would you like to talk about the canoe issue  ^-^
By that I mean it's close to water.


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2007, 12:04:51 AM »
After a few Foster's, everything looks like "Yowie," doesn't it.  ;D
Nobody in Australia drinks that dreck!

Foster's is like making love in a canoe.

newman how would you know  ??? Would you like to talk about the canoe issue  ^-^
By that I mean it's close to water.

 :::D :::D


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2007, 08:01:41 PM »
lone human walking through the bush (especially at night), in an active area could be bound for trouble. The Yowie normally stays clear of large groups of humans, but a lone walker could get the scare of his/her life or much worse. It normally starts as a slow 'stalking' process; the victim first thinks he is being followed by another human, as he begins to run, so does the Yowie keeping the same pace. Most will just get a kick out of just scaring you, but as we said it could be much worse if you find yourself alone with one with bad intentions.

If you find yourself in the presence of one of these creatures at night, we recommend a bright torch in the eyes and a lot of loud noise, they will try and scare you off and often follow you from the bush at a 45-degree angle.

They always try to conceal themselves behind objects such as bushes and trees and they are extremely fast through the bush, which is why it is so hard to get a clear photo. Odd shrill whistles and howling are often associated with these creatures. They have great night vision, and they don't like bright lights. They hate being given away by dogs, this irritates them and they often deal with the dog if there is an opportunity.

They are very intelligent in the bush and masters of their environment. They have to be respected.
They sometimes haunt people's homes when they have built on their land. They do this by banging on the walls and doors of their homes in the dead of the night. They are very curious of humans and especially children

oh great Newman!!! >:( >:( >:( I was really liking the idea of being able to walk in the ozzie bush-without ANY fear. And now you come with this stuff... :o :o :::D

Damn! :::D


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2007, 08:06:55 PM »

oh great Newman!!! >:( >:( >:( I was really liking the idea of being able to walk in the ozzie bush-without ANY fear. And now you come with this stuff... :o :o :::D

Damn! :::D

No need to worry, Boer.

The yowie is related to the black. Just offer it a job and it runs for miles.


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2007, 08:11:09 PM »

oh great Newman!!! >:( >:( >:( I was really liking the idea of being able to walk in the ozzie bush-without ANY fear. And now you come with this stuff... :o :o :::D

Damn! :::D

No need to worry, Boer.

The yowie is related to the black. Just offer it a job and it runs for miles.
hmm...i don't know- High Intellect etc...i beg to differ, unless of course this yowie species has evolved-unlike the millions of yowies in africa, then yes :::D

Now, where are these "active" regions?


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2007, 08:14:09 PM »

oh great Newman!!! >:( >:( >:( I was really liking the idea of being able to walk in the ozzie bush-without ANY fear. And now you come with this stuff... :o :o :::D

Damn! :::D

No need to worry, Boer.

The yowie is related to the black. Just offer it a job and it runs for miles.
hmm...i don't know- High Intellect etc...i beg to differ, unless of course this yowie species has evolved-unlike the millions of yowies in africa, then yes :::D

Now, where are these "active" regions?

They're on the link.

But anywhere you get bush between the coast and the outback south of the tropics is pretty active. But mostly at night. Highways with lots of road-kill would be good spots to see one.


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2007, 08:28:58 PM »


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Re: Australia's Bigfoot......The Yowie!
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2007, 08:30:53 PM »

This is what you need to look for  :-\