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Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« on: November 19, 2006, 07:19:00 PM »
The lastest demand from the Muslims in NYC? That the public schools include Islamic holidays on the public school calendar! Talk about chutzpah! Neither Christian or Jewish kids are allowed any form of religious expression in the public schools. Christmas carols or plays are outlawed - no one is allowed to say "Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah" - no one can celebrate Easter or Passover, instead we have "winter holidays" and "spring holidays" as if we were a bunch of pagans worshipping the solstice. But the Muslim kids get special rooms where they can face Mecca and pray during Ramadan and now they want two Ramadan-connected holidays included in the school calendar so that Muslim children "can express their culture and not be alienated from their religion". You can bet that the spineless, idiotic and perverse NYC Council will back this one. After all, only a few weeks ago they had an "end of Ramadan" celebration at City Hall - when was the last time you someone celebrate Hanukkah or Christmas in the City Council Chambers? I suggest that JTF begin to search for alternative candidates to the politically correct jackasses that run for the city council next election. In order to bring about real change, we have to run candidates who are a common-sense alternative to the democratic and republican hacks that end up on the ballot. We had better move quickly, because the day of the Islamic candidate is just around the corner. And I don't have to tell you, that just like with Barak Obama, the diversity driven loonies will fall all over eachother in pulling down the lever for them!

Yochanan Zev

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2006, 02:57:56 PM »
What about Rosh HaShanah & Yom Kippur?  ???

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2006, 10:28:38 PM »
WHY HATE? this is the thing about some jews..always wastin their time hating, COME ON theyre kidsLook at the world as people, discard their race, religion etc Everyone has a right and maybe by giving people a chance we can be better people, its not about who gets who doesnt, at least christians and jews get their holidays off already... the muslims have to ask coz its not already there...just plz can the world stop hating for 10 mins? :-[
That is a fabulous idea.  Perhaps when the billion plus Muslim discard their Islam there would be pease and more then the World can have 1000 years of peace....  The Muslims should GET NOTHING! THIS IS NOT YOUR LANDS, NOT YOUR CULTURE AND NOT YOUR ETHICS!  Muslims already have over 1/4 of the World's land.  Perhaps you as a Muslim might consider this fact.  Jews cannot even visit Saudi Arabia and minorities have absolutely no rights to anything in the Islamic World... Where the Hell do you get off with these statement of sheer ignorance.  Please put down your Quraan and read a creditable book for a change! 
« Last Edit: November 25, 2006, 02:53:40 PM by Marzutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2006, 03:05:30 PM »
i read plenty of books thank you and yes its sad u cnt travel to saudi........very sad.....but lemme tell u about it. Its a great place, the kabah and unity of muslims preforming hajj there is great. Im not sure if people hate islam so much they should be allowed there...incase something is provoked ....then the muslims will react and people will turn around and say CHILL OUT why are u muslims so aggressive...ya end of story, n they all lived happily eva after? or will the holocaust come to them be continued.

These statements of sheer ignorance.....yes i believe they are very un educated and unsupported by facts.... but i dont believe they are sheer ignorance....maybe they not to judge am i : :-\
Aish, does that not tell you a bit of Islam and its religious teachings when you say "Very sad"?  That is Islam.  Does it make sense whatsoever in knowing that one cannot go there specifically because they are not Muslim then twist this molested logic to then state that it might be a good thing because they hate Islam?  Perhaps the immense intolerance, discrimination, racism, sexism etc. (as directly indicated by this fact that non-Muslims cannot even visit Saudi, especially Jews) is why people hate Islam?  A Muslim can go anywhere in Israel and pray anyplace but Jews cannot even go to THEIR OWN Temple Mount to pray because of the intolerance and backwardness of the Muslims.  Is this logical?  Does this make sense to any logical, rational, moral individual with a functioning brain?  Please think independantly logically and morally (Judeo/Christian ethical morality not Islamic)  The Hajj is a great thing?  People go there and hundreds get trampled to death?  That is good?...  Well perhaps it is from our postion in that it stems Muslim procreation.  There should be a Hajj twice to three times per day.  That would be a great service to civilized humanity.  Can you open your eyes to reason and reality for one second.  I know your young.  The only people doing the provoking in this world are A. Communists/Marxists and B. Muslims.  Christians, Jews, Drews etc. are not bombing, burning, beheading, looting, desicrating anywhere in the Islamic World but the reverse so happens to be very much true?  Why?  Are you going to now blame that on the Christians and the Jews and not think logically and factually of who is doing this and for what reason?  Muslims, as per Islam, cannot say CHILL OUT!  This is perhaps why you have NEVER and will NEVER see any anti-Muslim Terrorism Rallies within the Middle East/Islamic World.  People know that if they do speak up, they'll get shot or lynched to death.  Before you point any fingures at others you might step back from your shell and look within...  You have a brain please use it to become something very righteous not someone surrounded in ignorance.   to be continued.   ;)
« Last Edit: November 27, 2006, 07:33:42 AM by Marzutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2006, 03:59:40 PM »
its true about the almost totalitarian like state in arab countries........another thing i want to bring up is 9/11 many american *i dont know the word but they are people of high knowledge* are beginning to believe it was a conspiricy by israel?ure views marzutra? Everyone here seems to explain how muslims aren't smart so how could they come up with such a intricate plan?The way those planes came down were almost to perfect in the fact that they brought the building ALL down????!!!
To tell you the truth, the thought that Israel did it is total insanity.  After the Earth quake in the Indian Ocean that caused the floods and many deaths in India, Pakistan and Indonesia the Islamic World printed in many of their newspapers, as per usual, "blame the Jews" in stating that Israel did some sort of nuclear test, which was total bunk.  Israel has no need to test any of its advanced weaponry due to its vasts of technological simulation equiptment in Tel Aviv, Beer Sheba and Demona.  Placing the blame on the Jews is always the case for any and all.  This is too perhaps the reason for the two top selling books in the Islamic World, next to the Quraan is Mein Kemp (MY STRUGGLE/ similar to Jihad) and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which was written by the Communists to deflect their aims of ruling the world onto the Jews during Tzarist times to incite pogroms and persecution of Jews via avoiding those who really do wish to rule the world: The Communists.  The thought that Israel did it is pure harrah. Period End Full Stop.  Israel supplies the US and other nations with more advanced technological assets than any nation on Earth.  To do such a thing would not only be stupid but very illogical considering America is the only nation that is half standing with Israel against the Islamic masses from starting another War.   Only anti-semites: Nazi's, Marxists, Muslims and other ineptness professes to such thought.  Too... If Israel ever did such a thing, it would be exposed as such in every medium on Earth spawing a war between Great and Little Satan.  PS: The Semitic mind is very methodical and inteligent not stupid.  Brainwashed maybe but not stupid.  A good example of this is who the Muslims and CAIR is using the ACLU and other Leftwing entities to subvert Western security in order to have the Western governments cater to their agenda: The 4 Imams that got taken off the plane is a very good example.  Live and Learn.....  Knowledge is a blessing while ignorance is a sin..
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2006, 04:19:50 PM »
Aisha is a muslim, remember that when arguing with her.

Also of note, her posts demonstrate a very poor understanding of the English language, and a total lack of logic.

What did Jews have to blame by blowing up the world trade centre? America is one of Israel's greatest allies.

She complains about Jews and christians hating Islam and muslims, while I personally belive that hating muslims is not a good thing, many of them have been given no chance but to be muslim, and I generally feel sorry for them, I do hate Islam, and I think it should be easy to see why many people take it as far as hating all muslims. You just have to look in the quran and the hadiths:

Qur’an surah 9 verse 5:

“Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

Qur’an surah 9 verse 29:

“Fight those who do not believe in Allah or the Last Day, who do not forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, or acknowledge the Religion of Truth (Islam), People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizyah tribute tax in submission, feeling themselves subdued and brought low.” [Another translation says:] “pay the tax in acknowledgment of our superiority and their state of subjection.”

Qur’an surah 8 verse 39:

“So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”

Qur’an surah 33 verse 59:

“Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and all Muslim women to draw cloaks and veils all over their bodies (screening themselves completely except for one or two eyes to see the way). That will be better.”

Qur’an surah 5 verse 51:

“Believers, take not Jews and Christians for your friends. They are but friends and protectors to each other.”

Qur’an surah 2 verse 61:

“Humiliation and wretchedness were stamped on the Jews and they were visited with Allah’s wrath.”

Qur’an surah 2 verse 64:

“But you [Jews] went back on your word and were lost losers. So become apes, despised and hated. We made an example out of you.”

Qur’an surah 4 verse 55:

“Sufficient for the Jew is the Flaming Fire!”

I think that will do for now, just look at these words from the quran, this is a tiny fraction of the hate it preachers, and, I haven't even touched on the hadiths...
« Last Edit: November 25, 2006, 04:40:46 PM by Rhuan »


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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2006, 04:41:11 PM »
Read my now edited post above.


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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2006, 05:31:47 PM »
Yes, I did take those verses from the quran, where did you get this idea that they are wrong, look in the quran and you will find those words, or if you are reading a different translation you will find something similar.

I said that your English was poor, because you haave misspelled many words, and are not using any capitals, this makes your posts harder to read than they should be.

Regarding muslims who've had no choice but to be muslim, I was generalising, I know that this isn't the case with all muslims.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2006, 05:39:18 PM »

i have the quran in front of me....u have decontextualised the verses added ure own analysis and changed it.....allah says to mohammed tell ure wives to draw on them a curtain but doesnt say cover ure fact it is haram to pray with a covered face..women take the veil off then..the veil is their choice and understanding of islm.

I did not say that israel was the reason for the world trade centers 2 collapse i said it was a increasing rumour and arguement and asked someone on their views on it.

her posts show a very poor understanding of the english language- since i am the best in english out of a school of 250 and have so far acheived the highest grade for record in my school(which is the highest in my area), the examiners seem to think my english is pretty good, is it the way u interpreted what i said that causes you to say this?

been given no chance but to be muslim?- there are thousands of british muslim converts....did they have no chance when they switched from many religions to finally islam?....

ure quran verses are wrong did u copy them word for word from the quran?huh ;)

Sarah, I know you have a good command of the English language.  That is something to be commended.  As you know there are many different translations, some very accurate, and some very poor.  You will notice that on the Www.JTF.Org site there is a link to  A muslim site.  If you go to Www.ProphetOfDoom.Net he has translated the Quraan, Hadith using multiple translations from many different languages to come to the end with Arabic fluency.  Many of them refer "Them" while the other "Jews" or "Christians" etc.  If you look at the conversions within the UK you will notice that those entering the faith of Islam are perhaps the ones Islam wouldn't want: the Black and/or Arab Criminal degenerates or the ultra-leftwing seudo-marxist University professor...sort of like Madonnah adopting an African retarted child for pure publicity.

We here value your input but did you come here to ask questions, learn or to debate and antagonize?  Just a question.  You had stated that you are not allowed to read books, especially informative ones or you would be in trouble by your family, is that not a sign of the tolerance of Islam and the followers of Islam? 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2006, 06:11:59 PM »
What you think and what Isalm professes might be two very different things.  If my brother, if I had one, converted to Islam, I'd invite him out for a camping trip and confront him as Amalek.  You really, aught to take some time to read and learn.  I posted some real Islamic history with names and dates...please go look it up.  Once you see that what I have said to be just than post your comments.  The only reason I am being "tolerant" and "nice" is because I know you are a young Muslim female who is extremely benighted to the historical facts surrounding Islam, Muslims and Mohammed.  Why are you not speaking out asking for us non-Muslims to be able to visit Mecca, perhaps own a business or a house in the Islamic World or perhaps for any minimal amount of freedoms you are allowed here but not allowed in your own "peaceful" Muslim States?  I cannot understand how you cannot see such hypocracy, double standards and every negativity under the sun.  Please read and learn...  enough from me...
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2006, 08:07:57 PM »
I can see the hypocracy in not being able to live in arab countries... i would like to do something about that but as you said i am a young muslim female, no one wants to listen to me. I will speak out for you one day- i promise. I will learn and read......
Sorry that is not Arab but MOST Islamic countries for one will not let Jews live, visit nor own property.  That should be a real kick in the pants to awake ones reasoning no?  The Mosque has to be higher than a Church or Synagogue with other bigotted reasoning further in Isalmic culture/teachings..  That my little Muslim friend is Islam and a consequence belonging to the faith and histories/perceptions of the "dhimmi" and Kufar.  "The Dhimmi"- Bat Ye'or, "The Jews of Islam"- Bernard Lewis or "From Time Imemorial"- Joan Peters

Believe me when I say you are doing a righteous thing to read and learn.  As I said knowledge is a blessing while wilfull ignorance is a sin or a shame.  Do not be surprized that your brethren ridicule you for learning and acquiring knowledge.  You will too find that education and the quest for knowlege is also frowned upon by most Muslim men.  This you will find too in your research.  As you do you will see for yourself the immense ignorance and wilful benightedness of many of the "leaders".  This goes for ALL faiths.  The Jewish Satmer would be one extreme and the "Reform" or Liberal Jews who are as ignorant as old shITE on the other extreme.  Both do a great disservice to Judaism and Jewry.  Might I suggest that after you finnish reading the Quraan/Hadith to read at least 3 books on the History of Islam and Mohammed.  I too suggest you do the same in reading the Tanach and History of the Jews, The New Testament and then a book or books on the History of Christianity and Jesus.  One must knowledged themselves to both their "religions" and too their perspective "Histories".  This goes for Communism, Buddhism, AntiSemitism, Nazism etc. etc.   

You will find that the vast majority of knowledged Jews are very aware of Islam and to a lesser extent Christians unless, like Brigitte Gabriel were "dhimmi" under Islam while the vast majority of Muslims are very benighted to what Judaism, Christianity and even Islam actually are.  I am NOT trying to convert only to educate on the molestations and murderous ideologies professed and practiced by the "Religion of Peace".  This is actually seen that for each book published in the Islamic World there are about 1200 published in the Christian West which dictates the majority of Muslims to be illiterate and ignorant.  Not an insult but a fact.  This will give you an indepth knowledge for both your personal awareness and also to educate others in open debate and or idle conversations... 

Good luck on your quest.... 
« Last Edit: November 25, 2006, 08:19:56 PM by Marzutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2006, 07:12:00 AM »
I must say I have found reading this thread quite interesting and have to say sarah has held up he end of the debate under some tough postings. It seems she really hear to look around and learn most agitators would have shown their hand by now. All I am going to say to sarah is each night when I turn on the news their is almost without fail some news story of sueside bombers or some other form of murder against innocent people. This on top of major incidents such as trade center bombing one, 911, the Kohl and countless other major attacks where little or no condemnation came from the Muslim religious leaders. This tells all to well where sympathies fall with Muslim people as a group. Here in the US Muslims were dancing in the streets when 911 had taken place. Something is really wrong in the Muslim world and from what I can tell it has roots in the Muslim religion itself.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2006, 07:35:02 AM by cjd »
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2006, 12:30:39 PM »
Let us all agree on this fact. Islam is not a religion, it is a cult. It is a cult that has a lot in common with the Charles Mansion family. Charlie, like the prophet, had total contol of the group such as an iman, he had sexual relations with any thing that he fancied, just like the prophet, Charlie directed his followers to kill, just like the imans, Charlie's followers were such low IQ beasts that they went out and killed, just like the iman tells his filthy animal followers to do, and all of Charlie's 'children' that are in the slammer worship him, just like the followers of the prevert prophet's folloers do. Dear sarah, you could do the civilized world a favor and return to the camel dung heap you were spawned from and try and not use your infantile spellings on us. I would expect that from a three year old white child, not a 45 year old washed up hag like yourself.

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2006, 03:21:47 PM »
I can see the hypocrisy in not being able to live in Arab countries... i would like to do something about that but as you said i am a young Muslim female, no one wants to listen to me. I will speak out for you one day- i promise. I will learn and read......

To Sarah - I am the person who started this post - I don't know how old you are - but I suspect that you are very young. I have a real problem with the demands that Muslims make in this country, especially when they are incapable of seeing any other point of view in their native lands. As for the holidays in public school - get my point - there are NO MORE RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS AT ALL IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS! Christmas is now the WINTER HOLIDAY, you can not say MERRY CHRISTMAS, you can not say HAPPY HANUKKAH - you can not sing Christmas or Hanukkah songs in school or have holiday pageants that feature anything more than snowmen. That's the point I am making. Therefore, the addition of RELIGIOUS MUSLIM HOLIDAYS to the school calendar can not happen and should not happen if no other faith is accommodated.  As for your defense of the Muslim faith - I really don't expect anyting different from any practitioner of Islam. However, the hostility that you see from those outside the Islamic world is spearheaded by the insanity that pervades the majority of Islam today. A fact that so many Muslims refuse to acknowledge. Just the other day the Muslim world was reveling in the suicide of Fatma Omar An-Najar. What kind of insane "faith" see this kind of behavior as glorious? We hear the Mullah say to Americans, "we love death the way you love coca-cola." - do you honestly believe that this is a healthy faith? And I use the term "faith" loosely. No religion is without it's imperfections, simply because religions are administered by human beings and human beings are imperfect. But Muslims will not admit this - Islam is perfect - RIGHT! That's why women are treated like second class citizens throughout the Islamic world. There are no decent universities or intelligent debate, because the mullahs and imams will not allow any disagreement with their view of the world. As for the veil - I refer you to a wonderful author by the name of Irshad Manji. She is a practicing Muslim who realizes that her faith is highly imperfect and needs reformation, not excuses or the embrace of lunacy. She specifically mentions the veiling of women as having nothing to do with Islam but as an Arabian custom. Take a look at the chador, the veil, the hijab - these are garments made for desert wear -they are clearly ethnic in origin and predate the Koran. As for the veil being voluntary - one can hardly call it voluntary when the "hair police" of Islamic theocracies come out with sticks to beat any women who dares show her hairline. Give me a break. And in all honesty - do you really think that God cares about what we wear on our heads? Or what we eat? Or that we must pray a proscribed amount of time per day, facing a particular direction? Or that women and men must be separate  in prayer, when all should be united when praying to the Almighty? Silly nonsense like that will get you into heaven? What a small God you worship. A God that can only be conceived in the mind of an imperfect man, who decided the entire world needs to harken to his view of no more than Arabian cultural rule. You can not deny that in recent centuries the Islamic world has contributed little to world culture or science, and has managed to isolate and impoverish its own populations. Now it seeks to impose its dark ages upon the rest of the world - you say you will speak up - I hope so - as a woman you have much to lose, at least what has been left you  so far. If there are indeed any "moderate" Muslims out there, who do not believe in the madness that is spreading an Islamo-virus of hate and insanity, it is your time to stand up and take your religion back. If you fail, it is because you are cowardly or because on some level you agree with the madmen. Attached are some photos from Arabic sources - so you can't blame the "twisted" western media - here is what Islam glorifies - from it's own mouth - through it's own lens.

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2006, 04:40:41 PM »
Sarah - regarding the proscription about dressing modestly - it is my understanding that the Koran commands ALL to dress modestly, and that this is often interpreted as meaning that no one should show off or be ostentatious in their dress. I agree that modesty is important, and that in the west the lack of modesty, especially where women are concerned, has become a problem. However, the total lack of equality in Islam regarding this issue is blindingly clear. Women must cover, men can do whatever they want. You completely omitted any remarks regarding the religious police under Sharia law. Women are singled out for punishment/ Why? The Koran also states that hell is filled with women. Why this unreasoning hatred for the female sex? Under Sharia, a woman can not prove rape unless she has four MALE Muslim witnesses. The victim is put on trial and it is not unusual for the victim to be killed to avenge the "dishoner" she has brought to her family by being forcibly raped. I am amazed how all of this is glossed over by Muslims world wide. I live in Queens, and see Muslim women and men in my travels back and forth to work. During the hottest summer days, I see Muslim women in full chador or hijab, covered from head to toe, being accompanied by men in shorts, sandals and tank tops. So, are the men immune from the modesty command of the Koran/ Looks like plain, old Arabian chauvinism to me! Also, with regard to the school holiday issue and this being a judeo-christian country. Why does separation of church and state only pertain to those two faiths? Why can Muslims take advantage of all the freedoms the US offers, yet insist on foisting their own religious customs and views upon the majority? This is not how it works. If I willingly migrate to an Islamic country, I know that I must abide by the customs there - no matter how repugnant I may find them. I can not expect accommodation, since I am the stranger in the land. In addition, it is in the poorest of manners to make demands of a country to which you have just come. The Arabic world seems to like democracy only when it offers them one more tool to spread jihad and Islam, otherwise it is infidel!

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2006, 06:13:37 PM »
The arabs, muslims, have grown accostumed to taking advantage in the first place because the US offers have allowed them to do so in the beginning. It has grown on them to think that they should be allowed this right. what u said  is true...but the US is allowing it to happen, they better stop it but when they will try to the muslims will then rise up and be agressive because it is, isn't? :o

You are right in that this country goes out of its way in accommodating the customs and ways of newcomers. I do not agree with this policy and I feel that it is strongly contributing to the balkanization of the US, which is a pathway to destruction. It is difficult to secede "rights" after you have given them. However if the Muslims "rise up" in this country I think they will have a rude awakening - Americans are accommodating and decent, but as the commander of the Japanese military said after the Japanese strike on Pearl Harbor - "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant." Take one too many whacks at the giant and you'll feel his wrath. We might be decent, but we are not dumb!

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2006, 07:15:58 AM »
Sarah, I am not insane. How did you enter my country. Was it because the camel dung heap you came from is so filthy and vile that you can not stand it anymore. Why don't you go back to your hell hole and tell them about being peaceful and tolerant. You won't of course, because you are a phoney, a fake and a fruad, to quote the great Bob Grant. Do you go to a public school that us Jews and Christians built and support or do you go to a muslim indoctrination center. In this country, we call people like you that want to turn our country into a turd world slum, liberals. If you would join a liberal organization you can become their new pet. They will get you on MTV, the View, and CNN. You can become a big star. Hollywood would wrap their lib arms around you and they might even put you in steven spielberg movie on how the Trade Towers was an inside job. If you are really lucky, spielberg may even adopt you, he collects turd worlders like you, he has an african that he adopted and I am sure he can find a place in his zoo for you. Or maybe, you can be purchased by madonna where she can take you on her next tour and put you on a crucifix while you wear the Star of David. Go back home please and preach to your mud people and leave us alone. Peace.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2006, 07:42:35 AM »
dancing on the streets because of death is evil...........that never happened in england i don't think
Yes it did actually, in Hyde Park.  Soon after that they had a Jihadist rally with a few hundred Muslims and "Palestinian" yelling death to America, Israel, Sharon, Bush, Bliar, the Jews etc.  That is the insanity of "tolerance" in Europe today.  If I was Tony Blair, I'd have had the police round them ALL up with their EXTENDED families and deported them to any of the 65 Muslim States...keeping their assets.  Perhaps then those "extremist" Muslims would know then what it was like for the 800,000+ peaceful Jews who lived in the Islamic World a thousand years pre-Islam who were expelled and billions of dollars in their assets seized by the "peaceful" Muslim leaders...  Might I also add, to be politically correct and some "moral equivilency", the British police officers be allowed to beat them, rape and sodomize their women before expelling them....this might add some more reality to what the Jews had experienced at the hands of the Muslim.  People constantly hear about the mass sham and hoax of "The Palestinian People" and the "Muslim Refugees" but NEVER does one hear about the VERY real Jewish refugees.  The Hypocracy makes me totally sick...  I have no idea how any knowledged person could be a Marxist or a Muslim...with such mass levels of lies and attrocities committed therein..
« Last Edit: November 27, 2006, 08:11:56 AM by Marzutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Muslim Holidays in NYC Public Schools - I kid you not!
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2006, 07:57:23 AM »
Let us all agree on this fact. Islam is not a religion, it is a cult. It is a cult that has a lot in common with the Charles Mansion family. Charlie, like the prophet, had total contol of the group such as an iman, he had sexual relations with any thing that he fancied, just like the prophet, Charlie directed his followers to kill, just like the imans, Charlie's followers were such low IQ beasts that they went out and killed, just like the iman tells his filthy animal followers to do, and all of Charlie's 'children' that are in the slammer worship him, just like the followers of the prevert prophet's folloers do. Dear sarah, you could do the civilized world a favor and return to the camel dung heap you were spawned from and try and not use your infantile spellings on us. I would expect that from a three year old white child, not a 45 year old washed up hag like yourself.
There is very many similarities to what you compare and to which I agree.  If one researches the history of Islam, Mohammed and its leaders during the time of the expansion of the Caliphate, your comparison holds more truth.   

I will say that I don't hate Sarah, I feel for a 14 year old she is doing a fabulous job in trying to deffend her position while being taught something of fact by us.  I will not insult her because she has done no such thing towards me.  I give her a lot of credit to be on this forum even though I totally disagree with the debased and murderous followers and/or the cult of the dirt dweller Arabian Mohammed.  If there was a vote to make Mecca, Tehran, Damascus etc. with their Marxist supporters Moscow, Paris, Beijing, Havana etc. glass parking lots...I'd be the first to win the foot-race to the red button...  I feel Islam is a cult of death whose followers promulgate deceit, desception and lies: The Palestinians, for example.  The fact of the matter is as soon as the "peaceful" Muslim becomes either majority or feels they are powerful enough to actually "Islamitize" a country they will with: Sudan, Lebanon and the many formerly Christian Asian,Russian/Eastern Europe States.  While there are Jews speaking against "Jewish Occupation" or both G-d and League of Nations Mandated Lands, one never sees Arabs protesting "Arab Occupation" or against their surrounding brethren in their 65 Muslim States who have kept them there and not allowed them to emigrate... 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.