Author Topic: Olmert presents plan to Bush: trade West Bank for 15 years of peace  (Read 4627 times)

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Offline davkakach

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(source: JihadWatch

Breathtaking short-sightedness. What happens at the end of the 10- to 15-year hudna? The Muslims will fight again to destroy all of Israel, and will be that much stronger because of this. Don't Olmert and Bush realize that? No, because they know nothing about the jihad ideology or Islamic law, and are sure that Islam is a religion of peace.

"Israel secretly studies 'bold' peace bid: Would surrender large tracts of West Bank," by Mitch Potter in the Toronto Star.

JERUSALEM—Bedevilled by the continuing scourge of homemade Qassam rocket attacks, Israeli officials are believed to be exploring a new diplomatic overture that calls for the surrender of large swathes of the West Bank to a new Palestinian leadership in exchange for a decade-long ceasefire.

The plan, still in the formative stages, was outlined yesterday in the Hebrew daily Ma'ariv as a "bold and original" initiative that would enable the creation of a provisional Palestinian state as a first step toward normalization with Palestinians and the wider Arab world.

Israeli President Ehud Olmert secretly presented the concept to President George W. Bush during a meeting at the White House Monday, the Ma'ariv report said, citing unnamed political sources in Washington and Jerusalem.

Palestinian and Israeli officials refused comment on the initiative, which Ma'ariv described as "consensual realignment" — a term that implies Israel now is willing to involve Palestinians in a negotiated withdrawal from parts of the West Bank, where more than 250,000 Jewish settlers live on land conquered by Israel during the 1967 Six Day War.

But Ghassan Khatib, a senior Palestinian political figure, told the Toronto Star that diplomats working beneath the radar have begun "an exchange of views about the potential of moving forward on the basis of a long-term ceasefire of 10 or even 15 years."

Leaders of the militant Hamas movement have for many years spoken of such a long-term hudna, or ceasefire, but only on the condition of a full Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 armistice lines — terms deemed unacceptable to the Israeli leadership.

But as domestic and international pressure mounts for a renewal of regional diplomacy, Israeli officials now are re-examining whether a ceasefire can be struck on the basis of the more limited West Bank withdrawal the Olmert government was elected to enact.

"The big difference now is that Hamas is in power. And some of the Israeli officials who are examining this idea are realizing that what the Hamas offers in terms for a 10- or 15-year ceasefire is really not very different from what the (internationally brokered peace plan) Roadmap describes in its interim phase — it is just another name for a Palestinian state with provisional borders," said Khatib, who served under the previous Palestinian Authority government as labour minister.

"There is an exchange of views happening because some people believe there is potential here."
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline genteelgentile

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Re: Olmert presents plan to Bush: trade West Bank for 15 years of peace
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2006, 10:58:56 PM »
...uggh... puke...recchhhh...vomit... bleaaaa...  (flush)
I LOVE dogs because muslims do not!!!!  Have your dog kiss a muslim today!

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Olmert presents plan to Bush: trade West Bank for 15 years of peace
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2006, 11:44:17 PM »




Offline davkakach

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Re: Olmert presents plan to Bush: trade West Bank for 15 years of peace
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2006, 07:32:01 AM »
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Olmert presents plan to Bush: trade West Bank for 15 years of peace
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2006, 09:02:39 AM »
May he meet Rabin, Arafat, Nasser, Marx, Stalin, Hitler......   Bastards!!
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline LeChayim

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Re: Olmert presents plan to Bush: trade West Bank for 15 years of peace
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2006, 06:04:29 PM »
Many people just don't get what's going on here.

Olmert and his gang are not giving up land in order to get peace. They are making peace in order to give up land. The goal is to dismember Israel. Peace is just the excuse.

For years they said "Land for peace." And we fought them, because (a) it won't bring peace, and (b) even if it does, we still have no right to surrender what G-d gave us.

But they've been fooling us all along. It was never about peace. They don't want Israel to be a Jewish State. In order to de-Judaize Israel, they need to rid themselves of all the areas that give Israel a Jewish charactor and invoke a feeling of Jewish identity. So, they preach about painful concessions for peace.

And when Oslo didn't bring peace, they did Oslo II, and Wye, and Hevron, and Taba, and Tenet, and Mitchel, and the "Road Map"...

And some fools actually fell for it, and continued to sing songs of peace. While most Israelis began to realize we can't have peace with the Arabs, but were still stupid enough to think the leaders still believed in peace.

So, when the Arabs wouldn't take the land from us in exchange for peace, they said "fine. Don't give us peace. Just pretend, so that we can have an excuse to surrender the land."

And when the Arabs refused to even pretend they want peace, the evil Israeli traitors hatched up a new plan. Till now, they said we must surrender land, because peace is possible. Now they said we must surrender the land, because peace isn't possible. They called it "disengagement" (and the normal Jews suddenly became known as antidisengamentarianists). And they attached a catchy slogan to it. "Us here and them there" (Nevermind that when Rav Kahane said it, they banned him from the Knesset). And so, if the Arabs won't take land from us, we will force it on them unilaterally.

And the masses that are asses bought it. Sure, many disagreed with it, but for the most part, Israelis thought it was a misguided move intended to enhance Israel's security.

Can you imagine all kinds of Jewish laymen trying to explain to Arik Sharon - arguably the most brilliant General in modern Israel's history - that the disengagement is a tactical mistake?!?  

These people actually thought Sharon didn't know his "disengagement" was a terrible danger to Israel! Of course he knew. HE DIDN'T CARE!

And now that they can't sell "unilateral disengagement" to the public, they came up with the latest concoction. Retreat in exchange for a promise of temporary peace. Anything to unload this unwanted Jewish baggage.

And you believe Olmert believes the Arabs will maintain a cease fire for even one hour? If so, you are the fool, not him. Olmert knows damn well that there is no peace with the Arabs. They all know it.

Say what you want about Peres, Y"S. He's evil, but he's no dummy. You think he was really fooled by Arafat? You think Peres really believed Oslo would usher in a new era of peace and love and brotherhood?

Peres knew, and Bibi knew, and Barak knew, and Beilin knew and Sharon knew, and Olmert knows. (Perhaps Rabin didn't know. He was always too drunk to know what day it was).

It's not about peace. It never was. Peace was the decoy, and we fell for it. It was always about the land. They are willingly - knowingly - putting Israel in grave danger, in a desperate effort to prevent Israel from being synonymous with "Jew." They completely understand the risk from the Arabs, but to them, the greater risk is the Jew. Being destroyed by the Arabs is preferable to being a Jewish State. It is a risk worth taking.

And this is what Peres means when he talks of a "calculated risk."

So, please, stop talking about how stupid this move is, or about how dangerous this is. It is a given. Instead, we must focus on how evil it is, and fight it from that perspective.

These monsters don't simply disagree with us. They aim to destroy Israel as we know it.

Offline davkakach

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Re: Olmert presents plan to Bush: trade West Bank for 15 years of peace
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2006, 11:12:16 PM »
Many people just don't get what's going on here.

Olmert and his gang are not giving up land in order to get peace. They are making peace in order to give up land. The goal is to dismember Israel. Peace is just the excuse.

For years they said "Land for peace." And we fought them, because (a) it won't bring peace, and (b) even if it does, we still have no right to surrender what G-d gave us.

But they've been fooling us all along. It was never about peace. They don't want Israel to be a Jewish State. In order to de-Judaize Israel, they need to rid themselves of all the areas that give Israel a Jewish charactor and invoke a feeling of Jewish identity. So, they preach about painful concessions for peace.

And when Oslo didn't bring peace, they did Oslo II, and Wye, and Hevron, and Taba, and Tenet, and Mitchel, and the "Road Map"...

And some fools actually fell for it, and continued to sing songs of peace. While most Israelis began to realize we can't have peace with the Arabs, but were still stupid enough to think the leaders still believed in peace.

So, when the Arabs wouldn't take the land from us in exchange for peace, they said "fine. Don't give us peace. Just pretend, so that we can have an excuse to surrender the land."

And when the Arabs refused to even pretend they want peace, the evil Israeli traitors hatched up a new plan. Till now, they said we must surrender land, because peace is possible. Now they said we must surrender the land, because peace isn't possible. They called it "disengagement" (and the normal Jews suddenly became known as antidisengamentarianists). And they attached a catchy slogan to it. "Us here and them there" (Nevermind that when Rav Kahane said it, they banned him from the Knesset). And so, if the Arabs won't take land from us, we will force it on them unilaterally.

And the masses that are asses bought it. Sure, many disagreed with it, but for the most part, Israelis thought it was a misguided move intended to enhance Israel's security.

Can you imagine all kinds of Jewish laymen trying to explain to Arik Sharon - arguably the most brilliant General in modern Israel's history - that the disengagement is a tactical mistake?!?  

These people actually thought Sharon didn't know his "disengagement" was a terrible danger to Israel! Of course he knew. HE DIDN'T CARE!

And now that they can't sell "unilateral disengagement" to the public, they came up with the latest concoction. Retreat in exchange for a promise of temporary peace. Anything to unload this unwanted Jewish baggage.

And you believe Olmert believes the Arabs will maintain a cease fire for even one hour? If so, you are the fool, not him. Olmert knows damn well that there is no peace with the Arabs. They all know it.

Say what you want about Peres, Y"S. He's evil, but he's no dummy. You think he was really fooled by Arafat? You think Peres really believed Oslo would usher in a new era of peace and love and brotherhood?

Peres knew, and Bibi knew, and Barak knew, and Beilin knew and Sharon knew, and Olmert knows. (Perhaps Rabin didn't know. He was always too drunk to know what day it was).

It's not about peace. It never was. Peace was the decoy, and we fell for it. It was always about the land. They are willingly - knowingly - putting Israel in grave danger, in a desperate effort to prevent Israel from being synonymous with "Jew." They completely understand the risk from the Arabs, but to them, the greater risk is the Jew. Being destroyed by the Arabs is preferable to being a Jewish State. It is a risk worth taking.

And this is what Peres means when he talks of a "calculated risk."

So, please, stop talking about how stupid this move is, or about how dangerous this is. It is a given. Instead, we must focus on how evil it is, and fight it from that perspective.

These monsters don't simply disagree with us. They aim to destroy Israel as we know it.

Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Olmert presents plan to Bush: trade West Bank for 15 years of peace
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2006, 08:18:19 AM »
May they all die of cancer.  It makes me totally sick.  G-d bring a small army of Baruch Goldsteins to Israel's shores just for a few days to truly liberate their lands.  At least if those few can reek havoc onto the “Palestinians”, “Black Hebros” and Communist Jews, Israel would be a MUCH better place.  I’m sick of hearing about Jews who actually want Israel to fall apart, I am tired of watching dead Jews on the news thanks to deballed and dumbed down Socialist Judenrot.  I’m sick of this [censored]!   If this was 1938 and the Holocaust could be stopped....these stupid bastards with their "globalist" "Utopian" supporters would not have 6 million dead by 1945 but 18 million!  HaShem wake up Israel and this deprave World......This is truly intolerable...  Perhaps they should release Yigal Amir for a few hours to send Olmert and Peres to meet Rabin...
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline davkakach

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Re: Olmert presents plan to Bush: trade West Bank for 15 years of peace
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2006, 08:50:14 AM »
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann