Author Topic: UK: How to avoid a society reminiscent of Nazi Germany—Get rid of the Neville Ch  (Read 2221 times)

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UK: How to avoid a society reminiscent of Nazi Germany—Get rid of the Neville Chamberlains!
by Denis Schulz

28 Nov, 2007

It made a lot of sense. Barney Miller could not have put it better. It was pithy to the point of pithiness. The first sentence of the article in the Guardian Unlimited summed up the crises in England as well as Jed Clampett could have described the battle of Shiloh to Jethro and Ellie without, of course, Jed’s great insights into human nature. The suppositions in the sentence were certainly backward but allowances can be made for that. It said this:
“The UK must be careful how it tackles terrorism and treats Islamic culture if it is to avoid recreating a society reminiscent of Nazi German,” the head of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has warned.”
Well, doggies—if that doesn’t beat all! Was that a threat or an ultimatum?

The rest of what Muhammad Abdul Bari, head of MCB, said was nonsense. He said there was too much discussion surrounding Islam. “The air is thick with suspicion and unease.”

The London bombings might have had something to do with that. Blow up busses and train stations and people start looking over their shoulders. Anjem Choudary might have had something to do with the unease. “The real terrorists are the British regime, and even the British police,” he said, “who have tried to divide the Muslim community into moderates and extremes whereas this classification don’t exist in Islam.” Abu Hamza al-Masri might have had something to do with the suspicion and unease. “The real weapons of mass destruction are the desire for martyrdom,” he said. “Millions of you are ready to be shaheed. Half a million martyrdom shaheed is enough for Muslims to control the whole of the earth forever. In the end of the day, Islam must control earth whether we like it or not.” Abu Hamza has more followers in England than Rudolph Hess had in Germany. Yvonne Ridley might have had something to do with the unease. “Let’s call suicide bombers by their proper name, which is martyrs,” she said. Shaheed! Suicide bombers! Martyrs! Christians were thrown to lions, nailed to crosses.

No sane person would want to recreate a society reminiscent of Nazi German. Reichstag fires…Jew baiting…Grand Muftis…Waffen SS Divisions…Protocols of the Elders of Zion…concentration camps…The UK was exceptionally careful in how it tackled terrorism and treated the Nazis in the ‘30s. If it hadn’t been for Sir Winston Churchill no one would have known there were Nazis anywhere in the world until it would have been too late. Herr Ribbentrop was a wine salesman; Herr Goering flew airplanes; Herr Goebbels made funny speeches; Neville Chamberlain flew regularly to Germany. He always took an umbrella. It rained a lot in Germany. There were Christallnachts and Beer Hall Putsches. Something was always in the air. Chamberlain took pains not to notice.

“Every society has to be really careful,” said Bari, “so that situation does not lead us to a time when people’s minds can be poisoned as they were in the 1930s.”

Choudary…Hamza…Ridley…Ramadan…Al-Bari Atwan and his dance of joy.. Goebbels.. Hitler.. Himmler.. Streicher

Poor Hitler, he was misunderstood, all he wanted was a little lebensraum…Poland…Russia…a few of the Slavic states, enough to grow a crop of potatoes and some hemp for a lederhosen factory. He didn’t want England. What would he do with it? But there was Churchill poisoning minds against him…and for what…a little lebensraum! Churchill would fight a war over a little lebensraum!

What does Abu Hamza want? Remember…he thinks big. “Islam must control earth whether we like it or not,” he said. How many minds has Abu Hamza poisoned? Bari dismisses Abu Hamza. Hamza is not a Muslim. Bid Laden is not a Muslim. Sure, and Old Duke was not a dog. Jed knew better; England should know better.

No matter what Bari says, half of the Muslims living in England have expressed a preference for Sharia Law over British Common Law. Half! Abu Hamza is just as popular as Bari. Hitler had a tougher time making Nazis out of Hans and Fritz than England’s Mad Mullahs have had in turning Siddique Khan and his friends into Jihadists. Nor does Bari oppose Sharia Law. Wife beating, chopping the hands off thieves, executing homosexuals, stoning adulterers, perpetual warfare against non-believers, everything Darth Vader ever thought of.

“We want to isolate bad people and put them in the dock,” said Bari. So did Captain Kangaroo.

The Brits could benefit from arranged marriages he said. He prefers to call them ‘assisted marriages.’

“Integration is a two-way street,” he says. So far the traffic has been one way—from Infidel Lane to Dhimmi Drive to Burqa Boulevard to Jizya Square. Could they at least try to stop the suicide bombers? No, that would offend Yvonne Ridley and Abu Hamza and would probably violate the Qur’an.

Islam has launched 10,000 terrorist attacks since 9/11, killing more than 60,000 people and injuring 90,000 others. Statistics bounce off Bari like ping pong balls off Godzilla. “Some police officers and sections of the media are demonizing Muslim then Britain will have to deal with two million Muslim terrorists, 700,000 of them in London. If you attack a whole community, it becomes despondent and aggressive.”

“Did that sound like a threat, Jethro?”

“It shore did, Uncle Jed.”

Last February, MCB urged members of Parliament to vote against the ‘glorification of terrorism’ clause in the Terrorism Act of 2006. They said it was a free speech thing—the right to shout ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre—to poke holes in the sinking ship of state.

Bari is right, but given his religious nomenclature he is right for the wrong reasons. The UK must be careful how it tackles terror and treats Islamic culture or they will recreate a society reminiscent of Nazi Germany, a society in which Bari will be an integral part, the kinder gentler face of Big Brother, a world where the “Allahu akbars” and “Heil Hitlers” will suck the breath out of every living thing.

Remember what Patrick Henry said: “Give me Churchill or give me death.”
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.