it's really wierd, because even a decade ago, before I knew about anything about religion and new world order and stuff, I always had this weird intuitive picture of being tracked and triangulated by 3 satellites.
Like when I would be out hiking or mountain biking or something...Even in nature. They must have been working on this for a really long time because I swear I could like sense it, and I didn't even really know what GPS was.
I've also maybe 2 yrs ago, had this weird picture that they want to like drain your heart the NWO had these laboratories and they were trying to figure out how to 'steal souls' on a medical level.
I think their method of trying to steal souls is to set up complicated machines. I think the banking industry and credit companies are heavily connected to this as well. I mean, I personally set up machines to make money myself using the internet, so I kind of understand the capitalist edge to it.
But this is something greed on a whole new level...not providing value to consumers, making money to have a few hobbies, traveling, and have a decent life, but more like designed to totally invade the personal space of people.
Anyways, when someone gets in your personal space, you've just got to kill them.
Basically, pimping, murder, and sodomy.
I think the catholic church and the vatican city is somehow at the head of it all.
Of course I believe in God and in a Messiah, but what they're doing has nothing to do with the 'real deal'.
I mean it is really absurd when you look at it objectively.
Christians would be wise to at least explore different viewpoints from Rabbis and Chassidic teachings on the Messiah so that they can deal with all the angles that are being played and not get played and enslaved by the NWO.
But, I think New World Order power is mostly an illusion based around the word 'Jesus' that can be broken down.
That's my current theory anyways.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist.The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he was G-d.