Italy was very much divided and most of its people had little choice in what its leaders did.
Not everyone in one country thinks the same as their leaders or even supports them.
Its only the retarded and naive that believe because you are born under a countries name you are all the same.
Some people need to grow up and stop living in a vacuum.
Narrow minded twits.
Get out of your chairs, go and see and understand the real world.
Yes, go out and see some PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis...
Been there, done that, they are worse in person because at least on the net you don't have to smell them.
They are quite foreign to the concept of soap and water.
Actually, some muSSlims, I'm not that sure, but muSSlims can't touch themselves when they shower. They have to wear some type of gloves when they shower because they aren't allowed to touch their skin, something I heard lol. 
Possible. I don not know of any musslim that behaves like that anyway.
The most of them are behaving like the rap-crap they imitate on MTV.
some of them see this MTV-crap is totally immoral, and turn to sallafism (wahabism) extreme Saudi funded islam, that is building mosques in Europe by the hundreds.
I do think , that ridiculing all muslims for these stupid things is counterproductive to convince the general public of he need to combat islam as a political force in the West.
The best thing to do is, to oppose all the lefty-crap (Green, liberal, conservative, socialist,...) parties that never stop to say, Europe (and the West) has become multi-cultural (multi-racial) -Islamic- and that we are supposed to live with it.
And that all those (infidels ) who don't adapt to the presence of people of an other skin-color / religion are neo-nazis.
Of course these very same people control the media, which are trying to hide the fact that Jews (victims of National-Socialism) are being persecuted in the districts , where now muslims are a majority.
All these attacks are being justified by the feeling of hate towards Israel, some muslims (rightfully?) have , in sympathy of their Pal-brothers.
(why do the arab states refuse Pal-refugees, and do these "state-less" pals, get UN-permission to stay in MY LAND??instead of Arabia?
