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Terror danger in BerlinSynagog is blocked with beton-barriers
Safety experts are afraid possible terrorist attacks in Berlin. The Central Council of the Jews was warned, is already strengthened now the preventive measures. Among other things the police riegelt off in the next days the synagog at the Oranienburger road with concrete barriers.

After information from WORLD ONLINE are attached to at least three mechanisms concrete barriers, in order to prevent that terrorists with vehicles can penetrate into the buildings. It is itself around the
Jewish museum at the lime tree road [lindenstraße], the
Jewish community center at the pheasant road [Fasanenstraße] and the
synagog at the Oranienburger road [Oranienburger Straße] act. Of Berlin police speaker Bernhard Schodrowski this did not want to commentate. "Details our measures can we does not admit."
At present in the capital increases civilian police units begun, in order to secure endangered mechanisms. A civil servant spoke of a threat situation which can be taken very seriously. Before the background of the zuspitzenden conflict in the Near East and the commitment of the German Federal Armed Forces abroad the Federal Republic is more strongly into the view of terrorist organizations guessed/advised.
Due to references from Lebanon one was informed on 11 January of the authorities about a "increased endangerment situation", said the Secretary-General of the Central Council of the Jews in Germany, Stephan Kramer. This warning applies after its information not particularly to the capital, but Germany far both to Jewish and to other civilian mechanisms.
Fear of rolling bombs Kramer spoke of references from Lebanon and a connection to the processes against the "luggage bombers" of Cologne. With a similar background it had already given, among other things messages one week ago over notice plans in Germany against the Federal Department of Justice. This terror warning decreased/went back to the arrest of a presumed extremist in Lebanon. The speech from "revenge" for the "luggage bombers", which in two regional courses explosive devices had deposited 2006, was also here, which had not exploded however.
Federal Ministry of the Interior, Federal Criminal Investigation Office and Federal Prosecutor's Office did not want to take a position on weekend. The magazine "focus" reported meanwhile, at a secret place a large quantity explosive had been already loaded hoppers. Besides it was feared that a stolen German Federal Armed Forces minibus - which was regained meanwhile with dismounted characteristics - when rolling bomb is to be used. Also this resembles the reports from one week ago. At that time was the speech of a truck, which was with up to a ton explosive on the way to Germany.
City had said WORLD ON-LINE ONE against terror feeler gauges secured of Berlin chief of the police Dieter Glietsch, it had to be counted on the fact that potenzielle assassins tried to spy safety precautions. Before the background of the to time particularly strained situation in Israel is "nicht auszuschliessen", so Glietsch to spy "dass potenzielle assassins safety precautions as well as control and counter measures versuchen". Therefore the capital is secured now against possible terror feeler gauges.
In this connection officials of the Federal Criminal Investigation Office (Federal Bureau of Criminal Investigations) had arrested four Arabs in Berlin on Saturday. They are to have spied buildings in center for authority data. Three of the men were in the meantime again released, since no sufficient act intention could be proven to them. The fourth arresting remained in detention, however because of another deliktes.
Police examines safety devices the police examined now the safeguards of all "sich in the endangerment spectrum of finding Objekte" - speak: such buildings, whose user and inhabitant from view of terrorists could be a goal. The examination at present still persists. A goal is to recognize and defeat espionage attempts; at the same time weaknesses of the past security concept are to be recognized and eliminated.
Islamic groupings would focus themselves increasingly on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, continue to be called it. That comes out from expressions, which are to be attributed aluminium-Qaida to prominent members of the terror network. At the same time the Federal Republic is appropriate for Zielspektrum" according to estimate of the police "im; Islamic groups of terror, not least because of the German Federal Armed Forces missions in Afghanistan and, in the context of the Unifil mission, in Lebanon.