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Ask JTF For February 24 Broadcast

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Dear Chaim,

What do you think of Denmark? They seem to be more conservative, than the rest of Scandinavia, is there any hope for Danes and bringing righteousness their?

G-d Bless,


Yacov adds: Denmark is the only Scandinavian country that did not ban shechita.

   Since this is a question about the Rebbi and there is a lot of dividing conflict you don't have to answer this question if you don't want to. I recently moved to a place where the only orthodox Bait Knessim are run by Chabad, so I have been hearing a lot about the Rebbi over the past month. All of the stories are about how the Rebbi told someone to do something and they ended up having children as a result of his blessing.

   When you met the Rebbi, did you ask him for the blessing of a wife and children? Would you be able to grant such a blessing? I know it can help a lot of supporters in addition to myself. While you are not officially a Rabbi, I still consider you to be my Rebbi since you have brought me closer to the torah.

Shmuel Ben Baruch

Dear Chaim,
If Obama is an apostate, isn't his life in danger from muslims? How he can then visit any muslim countries? If muslims are overwhelmingly for Obama, doesn't it proof that he is no apostate? Would muslim overwhelmingly support Walid Shoebat?  :o


Shalom Chaim,

Just wanted to know why do you praise Greece so much? Greece is one of the most antiamerican / antisemetic and pr- p@lestinian countries in Europe.

Hello Chaim,

what's your view on MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) and PMW (Palestinian Media Watch)?

Do you think these two organisations are worth being put onto the links section of the new JTF homepage if there will be one?


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