They want as support for their political work in Germany from the Iranian gouvernment:
I. Iranian banks should give them accounts
II. The Iranian gouvernment should support their political work in Germany with party donations.
As the iranian TV-reporter mentioned, that this is illegal by German law. The party members smirked and say that they will find a way.
In the end Udo Voigt, the chairman of the NPD, denies the holocaust and suggested to make a covenant with Iran to harm Israel and the USA.

But the Nazis are really stupid, like their Muzzie-friends. Everybody can watch Iranian television and so their evil plan was exposed.
You can see it on youtube (

I think Voigt is now in big trouble. I hope the court will lock him and the others up and throw the key away.
Perhaps someting really bad will happen in addition to that to this traitors of western world. This would be fine.