The Christian minister’s convoy was attacked driving through the Christian Sin el-Fil district as Lebanon faced a Hizballah threat to the anti-Syrian Fouad Siniora government unless it is granted veto powers. Gemayel died on the way to hospital shot at point blank range with 8 bullets. Majority leader Saad Hariri, architect of the anti-Syrian pro-Western New Lebanon, said he sees the hand of Syria behind the murder. His own father was assassinated last year in a suspected pro-Syrian plot. US state department condemned the assassination as “an act of terror” and attempt to intimidate the government which is already shaky after the resignation of six pro-Syrian ministers, including Hizballah’s, ten days ago. It is feared the murder could tip the country over into civil war.
(comment from a certain forum)
It could not have been played any better, three years of feeding Syrian security agents into Western Iraq, occupy a town, wait for the Americans, kill a few of them, send in more Syrian security agents, repeat the cycle.
Assad knew that 53-59% of the American public are drunks and dope addicts who would fold like cheap beach chairs in the face of adversity and they would ultimately demand a retreat. I'm sure that he was surprised by the tenacity of our soldiers but he knew that they represent the minority of people in this country and he knew that despite their tenacity the American people collectively lacked it.
First Syria acts to destabilize, it creates currency, the currency it deals in is the blood of American soldiers, because Syria can send in more security agents it can increase the amount of its currency and now Syria has something of value, its ability to turn down the violence.
11-7, in the aftermath, we are treated to a heretofore unknown group, the Iraq Survey Group composed of Baker and O'Connor and other internationalists.
George Bush, who acted on principle is now left twisting along with Bolton.
The newly elected democrats announce that we need to sit down and talk with Iran and Syria.
Now Syria, with its currency that is the blood of our soldiers, can act as a broker for peace in Iraq in exchange for things.
What things, Israel out of the Golan Heights, the return of control of Lebanon by Syria, the quashing of the assassination investigation of Lebanese P.M. Rafik Hariri and Syria's role in it.
And then today, Anti-Syrian Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel gunned down. Assad is consolidating his power.
The Iraqis who did stand up for something are going to get crushed. God help the Kurds and the Lebanese Christians, the Israelis are never going to have a day of peace and you can bet that one morning you are going to wake up, turn on the Tv and find out that Tel Aviv is going to uninhabitable for about 600 years.
But that's okay. Because here in America, we traded the opportunity to crush these sand baboons for abortions, sea walls to protect the below sea level perverts play pen known as New Orleans, Billions of dollars for stem cell research so we can all live to a 120 and have 12 inch dicks and the Jihadis will get a fair trial.