General Category > Introduce Yourself

Greetings From San Antonio

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I am a seventeen year old male Greek Orthodox Christian living in San Antonio, Texas  and i just recently found out about this great organization. I have never thought about pursuing  politics as a career until just recently and i honestly believe i have found my true passion. I have learned about many aspects of JTF and i believe this organization is a tool of G-d. Gods working through Kahane,JDL,and JTF! I feel that i have a calling into this organization and would like to take a lead role in the Jewish Task Force. Although i am not Jewish i support the Jewish people and everything this organization stands and aims for.

I am new all over again   :'(

HUH  what happened :o :o ;D

Brother i was banned i honestly dont know how that could have happened!?
My Iron Greek username

Probably some company you were using it happened to masterwolf  he knows what happens he was banned but he was'nt banned by this site

i use mozilla firefox browser
and i was on a few days ago
and it just happened


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