The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Catholic prist and nun become human shields in gaza

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Hail Columbia:

--- Quote from: thunderbolt on November 22, 2006, 09:48:16 AM ---Israel should make every effort to kill human shields, ESPECIALLY if they are from outside of Gaza.

This "priest" and "nun" should be blown to bits. What does a shield do? Take blows.

--- End quote ---

Volunteer human shields deserve whatever the hell comes their way.  If they get killed defending baby-killing Islamic terrorists, then too freaking bad.  Let them boil in hot excrement for all eternity.

They have no business there and must accept anything that happens to them its that simple!

Why aren't those Christians in Sudan, protecting their brothers and sisters in Christ from being raped and murdered by Muslims?

Why don't those Christians read 'their' Bible, where it is written in the Tanach that Jews have a moral obligation to expel non-Jews from the land of Israel?

This proves that most Christians outside of Bible-belt USA are deeply anti-Semitic.

Welcome to Wonderland, Alice!

My, my , my. Where does one begin?

First of all, it’s comical that these brave fighters against violence went to sit in a house targeted by the Israelis. And they're very straight forward that their intent is to prevent the bombing.

So... Let's see if we got this straight. Their plan is to sit in the house, and make sure the Israelis know they're there, and according to their own plan, those evil Israelis will thus refrain from bombing the house. So they acknowledge that Israel does not intentionally target civilians. Heck, they're banking on it. If their opinion mattered, I'd say that's quite a compliment (well... actually no, It's not).

Now let's see about the ethics of these wonderful champions of humanity. They're against all violence, you see. After all, they even condemned the Kassam attacks coming out of the houses they're protecting.

Now, now. I know some of you are complaining, why don't they act as human shields on Israel's busses? Well, don't be mad at them, it's not their fault. I'm sure these angels of peace would gladly step on a bus targeted for bombing, and thus save untold numbers of Juden - er, Jewish brothers and sisters. If only Hamas would announce in advance, which bus they planned to bomb. And of course, we all know (don't we?) that once they announce that they are on the bus valiantly protecting it, Hamas' plan will be foiled.

Now, here's what I don't understand. If their little stunt actually works, why on Earth would the Israelis let them into Gaza? And don't tell me they can sneak past the Israelis. I remember last year, the IDF did a pretty good job of preventing Jews from getting into Gaza. Now, if it were up to me, I'd let them in, and let them shield Arab houses to their hearts' content. I would also advise them to settle their affairs and make sure their life insurance policies are paid up and don't have any suicide exception clauses. But the Israelis, who are after all far more ethical than us right-wing war mongers - shouldn't they prevent spoilers from disrupting the field of operations?

Now here's the funny thing. Did it ever occur to these Hebrew speaking morons, that perhaps it's not a good idea to warn the enemy before bombing them? But we all know (don't we?), that this scores them points with world opinion. Hence these saints' mission of peace.

Of course, none of this would matter if the Israelis would just bomb the houses regardless of who's in them.

And of course that wouldn’t be an issue if the Israelis treated this war like a real war, instead of a game of tag.

Then again, that wouldn’t be an issue either if the Israelis had not left Gaza.

But then again, that too would not have been an issue if the Israelis would have expelled the Arabs in the first place.

So, how should we feel about this? I think it’s comical. I’m enjoying a good laugh, and so should you. The Israeli leaders are evil, and we already know that their actions will lead to the deaths of many many good Jews. But while they’re bent on bringing about this tragedy, let them look like idiots doing it. They lose absolutely no sleep over when Jewish babies die. So, at least let Olmert and his gang of traitors suffer some headaches and embarrassment.

And if the Keystone cops that make up the leadership of the IDF insist on going along with these policies, they deserve to lose. Let them pay for their folly, and look stupid in the process.

Heck, maybe it’ll wake them up.


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