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Ask JTF For November 26 Broadcast
Hi, Chaim
Would you perhaps consider naming the forum" The Fifty Minute Forum"
I don't know if you mind, but enough members ask personal and "small talk" questions.
for example; "Have you turned fifty yet?" one member a while ago questioned about your wearing a hat preference...
Do you find it irrelevant, personall and perhaps frivolous, Chaim?
Thank you.
It seems as if some forum members were not listening to you about your birthday and among other things. I would find it annoying especially having to repeat myself more than once. Do you agree, Chaim... Thanks again:)
Yacov Menashe responds: Gerard's position is not supported by The Administration. Chaim is not a member of this forum and Ask JTF is the only way we can correspond with him. We don't just look up to him as our leader, but also as a friend. We don't want to turn this forum into a Bolshevik dictatorship by limiting free speech.
Hello Chaim, I have some question and concerns about some statements you have made.
1) You have said that you favor sterilizing blacks and muslims. It has been told to me that Leviticus 21:17-20 forbids forced sterilization. Also, in Deuteronomy 23:1 speaks that nobody who is castrated by enter the house of the Lord. Also, in Malachi 2:14-15 it states that married couples having children is the will of God. Does this only apply to Jews or to humanity as a whole?
2) What are your views on democracy as a form of government? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have said that a Torah-true Israel would not be a democratic state. Would it be a one-party religious state? As for gentile nations like America, is democracy the best possible form of government or would America be better off becoming something of a Bible-true Christian theocracy? My faith in democracy has been shaken seeing the rule of law disappear on immigration/world issues, leftists allowed and encouraged to poison western society, third-world savage culture taking over, morals disintegrating, etc. Is destruction the inevitable end of all democratic states?
Also, thank you for the advice on how to help my father. What a world we've become when a Christian son has to teach his Jewish father how to be a proud Jew... Anyways, God bless and have a great week.
Hello Chaim: I have no questions this week. I just want to say: Keep up the good work. It's greatly appreciated.
Regards from Noahide.
Hey Chaim,
My first time in this forum and I have a few short questions to ask you.
What are your views about Jews celebrating Thanksgiving?
[Yacov Menashe inserts: What are your views about Noahides celebrating Thanksgiving? Should they celebrate it? Should they celebrate The Fourth of July and other American holidays? What is your opinion on July 4, 1776 being The 17th of Tammuz? Also, when The Jews were expelled from Spain, Columbus left for America which paved the way for a new home for Jews after the expulsion. Both events were on Tisha B'Av. Do you think part of the reason why Jews should not celebrate The Fourth of July is because July 4, 1776 was The 17th of Tammuz? This is a fact I found out by checking's online calendar which stretches back a few thousand years and lasts thousands of years into the future, not taking into account that The Mashiach will have already come by then so we won't have a set calendar anymore. If we keep our set calendar, the current calendar drift will continue. This drift is that the earliest Passover can fall in the solar year has moved up 7.5 days since we got the set calendar. So it can no longer fall on The Vernal Equinox aand can end as late as May now which will be a regular occurrence in a few hundred years. The calendar drifts by one day every 231 years.]
Did you see the movie "Borat" if so do you believe the movie as being satirical or anti- Semitic?
Since you claim there are no Arab moderates What has Jordan done against Israel or the Jewish people since 1994 "peace treaty"?
lastly, Do you know Rabbi Mordecai Friedman member, president of the American Board of Rabbis? do you believe in his political views? I personally think he is way to extreme.
Hi Chaim first i thought it would be funny to tell you that when I spent my post high school year in Israel, I went to a gym in Jerusalem which played a lot of English language music as do most Israeli hit music stations. All the Israeli guys in the gym who spoke a little English wanted me to try and explain to them what the rappers were saying. I told them that I myself could not understand rap noise which is the truth. They didn't believe me and I told them that these shvartzes didn't speak clearly but they still thought that native English speakers understand rap easily. Now on to my more important question. I really would love to move to Israel. While I don't see myself ever living on a settlement(although of course I believe Israel should be liberating more land instead of giving anything up) I could see myself living in a less religious part of Israel. The problem is it is so hard to move because that would mean going there all by myself not knowing anybody and not speaking the language. Now I suppose if I continued going to college I would meet people and make some friends there but I don't know. Also I don't speak Hebrew so how should i go about learning to speak Hebrew well here so I don't go there empty. Thank you so much and I hope I will have the honor of going to Israel with you or at least seeing you there because there is nobody who deserves to be allowed into Israel more than you. (Also I hope you tell a story about another of your encounters with shvartzes because that really does give me a lot of enjoyment)
Yacov Menashe adds: The best place to learn Hebrew is in an ulpan in Israel. But you should learn a little bit before. I made aliyah when I was 18 and I knew some Hebrew before because my dad is from Israel and my parents spoke it at home plus a little bit from Hebrew School although Hebrew School is mostly a joke. I knew more Hebrew from going to Israel in The Summer than from Hebrew School. Since I was 12 1/2 when I had my Bar Mitzvah there in The Summer, I went there every Summer plus 5 times before I was 12 starting when I was 3. All together including when I lived there, I was there 17 times. I was in an ulpan from August to June where you learn only Hebrew for half a school day. Then I went to The Summer Ulpan at Hebrew University and then had Hebrew classes as part of my academic year there in The Mechina (Preparatory Program) for New Immigrants. Then I spent a year at the regular Israeli university at Bar-Ilan but I came back here for the rest of college because it was too hard in academic Hebrew and the Israeli undergraduate level which is like the graduate level here. This is my fourth year in college here. I went to community college for 3 years and got an Associates Degree. Now I am in a four year university completing a Bachelors Degree.
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