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Jesse Jackson Meets Syrian President on Hostage Issue

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Hail Columbia:

--- Quote from: Get thee hence Satan on September 06, 2006, 08:35:58 PM ---Maybe he offered them some diversity awareness in exchange for a few million dollars?

Or does he only extend such services to the white folks back home?

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It's the same reason why the animal-rights extremists, and the enviro-fundies, say nothing when China slaughters millions of dogs annually for food, and produces the worst pollution in the world.  We're an easy target for these granola-eating radicals, and affirmative action reverends.  If they went to China, Syria, or some other totalitarian country, and played that crap, they would be shot, and their organs harvested.


--- Quote from: Hail Columbia on September 06, 2006, 08:49:00 PM ---It's the same reason why the animal-rights extremists, and the enviro-fundies, say nothing when China slaughters millions of dogs annually for food, and produces the worst pollution in the world.  We're an easy target for these granola-eating radicals, and affirmative action reverends.  If they went to China, Syria, or some other totalitarian country, and played that crap, they would be shot, and their organs harvested.

--- End quote ---

Exactly.   ;D

You expressed that so wonderfully.  Puts into my mind a recollection of feminists.  They complain harshly about their luxurious lifestyle in the West but say nothing about, e.g., female circumcision in black Africa.

Leftists are cynical and hypocritical people.


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