Guns and Self-Defense > Guns/Firearms

Recommendation/suggestion on subforum: Weapons/Self Defense/Combat

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White Israelite:
I'd like to propose a section on JTF.

We all know that today is a dangerous time to be a Jew with the rise of anti-semitism, I am willing to bet that most of the Jewish population in America is confined to cities and rely on their local police department to protect them. I'm also willing to bet that since the majority of Jews in America are considered reform, that they are very liberal. That means

A) Most Jews are likely unarmed
B) Most Jews that are armed do not regularly go shooting
C) Most Jews just don't care

Now i've made threads on a regular basis about guns and I really feel they don't fit any of the categories we are posting on.

If we have learned anything, it's that disarmament and government monopoly on firearms has always led to our downfall, this dates back even to ancient times. It's important to be armed regardless if you are a Jew or not. This doesn't just apply to America by the way.

Something i've always noticed is on the neo nazi forums, StørmFrønt, resistance, you name it, these guys are always talking about guns, their talking about self defense, their talking about what to do if the government starts taking guns, they've written books and articles about it, they have large influence within the gun shows recruiting new members to the National Alliance and other groups.

What are we doing? I'm not saying we should stand around with our guns wearing skimasks with a Israeli flag in the background posing for the camera like a bunch of mall ninjas, i'm not saying we should show off our collections, i'm not advocating any of that.

I am simply requesting some sort of forum that discusses gun control, self defense, use of arms (knifes, tasers, pepper spray), legality, etc. I think this would be a great section, I can keep members up to date about new gun laws being passed (as I am a regular at several gun forums) as well as post up guides to types of ammunition, videos and how to's, everything we need. Of course if my wish is granted by the almighty JTF administrators, I would urge other members to participate in the sub forum. Thanks.

Don't be sitting ducks guys, the coming years are going to get rough.

דוד בן זאב אריה:
I'd put it in the Save America section as a child board

White Israelite:

--- Quote from: jtfrudy08 on December 23, 2007, 05:26:46 AM ---I'd put it in the Save America section as a child board

--- End quote ---

I disagree and the reason for that is America is not the only nation that allows people to have guns, even then, those who live in countries where they can't have guns should be able to discuss alternate means of being able to defend themselves legally. On the totse forums, there are large sub discussions about martial arts, legally making crude weapons for defense, etc. I wouldn't advocate breaking the law but information is knowledge.

דוד בן זאב אריה:
Perhaps Kahanist Movement then but that was only a suggestion not a comand. I still think that Save American would be the best.

I totally agree we need this board up  O0 8;)


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