Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles

To JSullivan: When will Chaim's rules for the dating sections be ready?

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adam, one of the Mitzvos is to obey the great Sanhedrin in any generation, those Brachot were enacted by the Sanhedrin. YOu are correct in that they are not from Hashem in fact only a very few Brachot are.

So we must obey in this regard whether or not we like their rulings

I guess so, Kahaneloyalist, although I would think not dong something is different then lets say marrying multiple wives which the Rabbi's prohibited at a certain point and whether we agree or not we have to obey it.

I was just saying that, yes, we are suppose to obey the sanhedrin but we shouldn't overanalysis a bracha that was made by man and not by g-d. And, yes, these blessing (not making me a women, non-jew, or slave) I don't agree with even though they were made by the Sanhedrin which we are suppose to obey even though we may disagree.

>There are good Rabbis who do a lot of work in this area. What about a Shidduch, after all Chaim has quite a broad selection criteria and am sure it will not as much of an issue finding someone as at first glance.

I know Chaim is very busy and at least I think it would help the cause if Chaim was married. A lot of men don't want to sacrifice because they feel they are giving up being able to be married and have some kind of family if they take too many risks. I also think some may respect Chaim more if he were married. (I guess people would respect me if I were married but that it is a whole other story.) Yeah, Chaim is almost 50 but like I said if some golddigger of 30 women marries that creep Rupert Murdoch who is 70 and had 4 children from 2 other marriages by the way, just because he has money I would think someone sooner or later would take the bad (that Chaim is almost 50 although he g- d willing has many many years left with the very good (that he is responsible for the freedom of soviet Jewry.) At least that is my view although I haven't asked Chaim but I know he has said that he regrets that he has never been married.


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