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I'm back!

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Hail Columbia:
When I turned on my computer after I moved some furniture in my room on the 16th, I noticed that the built-in Ethernet connection to my computer, which connected to my cable modem, mysteriously stopped working.  Even after I had reïnstalled the operating system, and even after I had successfully tested that same Internet connection on my father's laptop, my computer's Ethernet connection wouldn't coöperate.  Today, I had to buy an Ethernet card for my computer, and when I restarted my computer before installing the card, the built-in Ethernet connection decides to work again!  Now, I'm out $30 because of the quirks of my 5 1/2-year-old computer.

Anyway, what did I miss during my downtime?

Good to see you back O0 :)

I'm not quite sure, Hail Columbia because I've been gone since then but welcome back!

Welcome back  :)


--- Quote from: Skippy on December 26, 2007, 05:59:14 PM ---Welcome back  :)

--- End quote ---

Welcome back from me too :)


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