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Is it a good idea to have sex ed?
--- Quote from: There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs on January 01, 2008, 11:37:02 PM ---
--- Quote from: Skippy on January 01, 2008, 11:35:40 PM ---
--- Quote from: There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs on January 01, 2008, 11:23:21 PM ---
--- Quote from: Skippy on January 01, 2008, 11:22:26 PM ---I like the TV in the bedroom :)
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You won't when you are married.
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Trust me I did when I was married, I get bored after the first 5 minutes.
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You had a TV?
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Yes I have five. And yes trust me other things get old quick, very repetitive you know. And TV gives you something to watch.
--- Quote from: Skippy on January 01, 2008, 11:22:26 PM ---I like the TV in the bedroom :)
--- End quote ---
:) It's less of a distraction then ;)
--- Quote from: JTFFan on January 02, 2008, 01:17:39 AM ---
--- Quote from: Skippy on January 01, 2008, 11:22:26 PM ---I like the TV in the bedroom :)
--- End quote ---
:) It's less of a distraction then ;)
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Yes exactly right ;)
Dr. Dan:
Quote from: Dr. Dan on December 31, 2007, 04:17:32 PM
It maybe so...however i look at it another way. It's like speeding in a 35 mph zone going 60 mph. Sometimes you get caught and pay a fine. And other times you never get caught. Gd forbid you get into a car accident going that fast in the wrong place also. I liken sinning to this concept. If one acts immorally, even if it is a victimless crime, he/she might get caught and pay the consequences in his life or afterwards...or he may not get caught but might get hurt instead for acting immorally and making his/her life less fullfilling. The Laws of Gd are not meant to make Gd happy or vengeful necessarily. On the other hand, it is for us for our betterment. If we act improperly, it hurts us, not Gd as much.
So, in the temporary, short-lived 'Olam haZe, you settle for the best possible, but for the eternal and blissful 'Olam haBa, you settle for the lame stuff? Why aren't you consistent? If the above quote was your attitude for 'Olam haZe, I wouldn't complain, but I don't understand why you are settling for the best seat in the house in 'Olam haZe, but for 'Olam haBa you want the empty front row. Love Doctor, please explain this inconsistency.
Because I don't go through life worrying about the after life and world to come..I go through life living on thsi planet earth and first and formost taking care of myself and my family and fellow Jews around me. If i get a back row in the world to come, then I get a back row in the world to come. i'm living the hear and now as morally and as righteously as possible...but i will worry the most on how I treat others first.
Dr. Dan:
Quote from: Dr. Dan on January 01, 2008, 06:58:51 PM
oh Hardee har har..
Listen..these very observant orthodox Jews....they might seem to be normal sweet and very conservative..but behind the scenes..it's a big time bobchikeewawa...why do you think they have so many kids!!! They are so much in love they want to keep making more moishes...All the power to them!
No their TV is broken
The two are related. Why do so many married couples find it like halacha to put cable in their bedrooms? What's the point of it all? It's the DUMBEST move. Aside from marital relations, the bedroom is the time and place for a couple to connect after a long day and talk over issues of importance. A TV--especially cable TV--distracts and silences important communication. A cable TV in a family's house is bad enough, but if a family is going to have one TV, why not the living room instead of the bedroom? I just posted an article about this here: http://jtf.org/forum_english/index.php?topic=14248.0
Of course, this is not the only reason that couples with Torah lifestyles are better satisfied sexually. Other reasons have to do with the mandatory sex nights (I'm not kidding), Nidda laws, emphasis on family, and the halacha that a man must satisfy his wife sexually, both in quantity and quality.
Tv and cable is a distraction if one makes it a distraction. If someone is addicted to TV, then it only makes sense to not have it in the bedroom. If a couple is not addicted to TV, then there is nothing wrong with having it in the bedroom.
What if a husband and wife enjoy reading before sleeping? Then the book is just as distracting as the TV would be to another couple that watches TV all day.
Therefore, it isn't whether or not one has cable TV in their room which might distract them. It goes for any couple to avoid putting things in their room that will distract them from sexual relations when they are supposed to be doing it.
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