Wait a minute....
Maybe these "Chechs " are SudetenDeutschers...
No. They were in a picture I can't find. They were presented as Czechs.
germans were, of course, present in NAZICROAT/USTASHA hordes.
But these "foreign volunteers" ("dragovoljci") were Czechs.
It shocked me as well as it shocks now Electra.
That's why I didn't forget the picture.

germans, french, canadians, and so on,
in NAZICROAT horde don't surprise me,
Czechs did.

NAZICROATS display themselves as catholics to the ones, nazis to the others,
iSSlamophiles here, iSSlamophobes there, leftists, then rightists,
nationalists here, socialists there, patriots and/or internationalists,
Slavophile or Slavophobes (when dealing with Poles, Czechs, Slovaks),
they pretend to be goths (germans), persians, illyrians, avars, turks...
whatever, JUST in order to get the more sympathizers possible
to their CANNIBALISTIC "cause".

They lick anybody's balls for this,
Serbs and Jews don't.