One day a self-hating Jew and a muslim and Ehud Olmert decided to go to the zoo and feed
the apes and the camels. Then Olmert hugs the muslim and kisses him rubs his beard, but
he has ravens hawking inside because Michael Jackson likes muslim boys. Then
B*ttholmert said mArry me muzzzie so the muzzie nuked mecca accidentally and also Iran
Then Al Sharpton... swallowed a chicken and ate watermelon while blaming the whites and
jews for all evil. Sharpton then suggested... 'leave no tip' for them crackas Back to Ehud... Al
Sharpton said 'ooh ooh ooh' Then Louis Farrakhan... chimped out when the mothership
appeared. He said UMM HMM! And they all sucked up whitey... when Allah gave... them the
signal. Then I woke started my computer the phone rang and it was