The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Shi'ites burn six Sunnis alive in Iraq
--- Quote from: Marzutra on November 28, 2006, 04:00:43 PM ---
--- Quote from: MasterWolf1 on November 28, 2006, 03:12:31 PM ---I think its great when Muslim pigs are killing each other does anyone else agrees with that?
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It is sad to say, without Islam these people would probably be respectable individuals because the semitic mind is capable....but since Islam has infected them like a digressive mental plague like communism, I fear, is no other alternative to your position MasterWolf1.
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I do not like to see people suffering.
Without Islam, the "inadequate pyramid selling scheme which is psychosexually oriented around paedophilia", these countries would be a lot more progressive. Islam gives encouragement to man's lower instincts and uses them to spread the great pryamid scheme; the religion which gives a small taste of peace but never satisfies.
Positive with Muslims? it is impossible with Muslim to get along with anyone let them kill each other and butcher each other fine the less Islamic animals on Earth the better it is for infidels they are barbarians is this the "Democray for islam" Part?
--- Quote from: sarah.... on November 28, 2006, 04:05:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: MasterWolf1 on November 28, 2006, 03:12:31 PM ---I think its great when Muslim pigs are killing each other does anyone else agrees with that?
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what a stupid question when you're on a jewish website that you know opposes islam....there thats answered your question.
Stop encouraged others to speak words of hatred against people.....and yh HAHA it struck me....why do you discuss "islam being evil and wrong" among yourselves when you already know it it an issue you're trying to teach people or an interesting topic for a normal conversation?
lets share ideas on how to kill muslims, look an IMAM ate a muslim girl, OMG GRANNY IS A SUICIDE da la de da....
get the point>? 8)
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Um let me know when you take your meds and prove Islam is not a death cult of darkness and nightmares. The whole cult doesn't matter Sunni or Shia they are all sick and demented. Get the point?... Islam will never be civilized cause they are barbaric low animals
How about this for your mood?
Allah squeels
Hello Sarah, I wanted to share something with you that you can fact check as you are going along with either your Islamic teacher and too your Quraan. I do think you will find it most fascinating and very much useful.
Robert Spencer's "Politically Incorrect Guide To Isalm":
Too from your project on "Palestine". If I lived in Cumberland County, which is not a country, not a functioning State, nor anything of with any such quality to deem it a Nation: No government, no foundational charter, no civil infrastructure, no leader, no currency, natonal culture/religion/historical ties, how could "Cumberlandinian" be a "Nationality"? I hope you can recognize the direct similarities to another purely fabricated farse?
Perhaps you should copy and paste these for your teacher to watch, learn and comment on for you. Perhaps she might learn the ability to separate Fact from Fantasy, Truth from Lies and Correct from Incorrect.
Inside are all the facts, documentation, dates, records, interviews and source material one needs to achieve a very good mark and knowledge of "Palestine" and the Israeli/Arab continuing farsical conflict that should have been settled in 1922-23 if not 1967 emphatically.
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