Author Topic: No Christmas, No Hanukkah in Public Schools - A little girl's sad story  (Read 3355 times)

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Offline stevefromqueens

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This past Thanksgiving, my little 8 year old cousin from Long Island told me that at here public school in Wantagh, NY, there can be no celebrations of any kind that mention Christmas or Hanukkah. She asked me if it was like this when I was in school. I told her that it was not. I went to public school and Christian and Jewish kids all celebrated the holidays together. I remember going to an Assembly (do they still have Assembly?) one week where the Christmas story was told and songs were sung, and the next Assembly we celebrated Hanukkah with the story of the Maccabees and Hanukkah songs (both of which I still remember, all these years later). We Christian kids had a great time with our Jewish classmates, and we were a little jealous, because the Jewish kids got presents on 8 nights! We all learned about eachothers' religion, and there was respect - no controversy, no offended parents, no upset kids. My cousin could not understand why she can't say Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah to anyone at school. How do you explain such idiocy to an 8-year old? Why don't these idiot parents fight back. All the joy and beauty of the religious holidays are being stolen away and replaced instead with nothing but a commercialized "winter holiday" shopping spree. Where is the beauty of the child in the manger? Where is the glory and mystery of the menorah burning in the temple? Instead we have absurd "holiday specials" of J-Lo shaking her fat can, and rap "artists" murdering traditional songs. Will no one stop this insanity?

Offline fjack

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Re: No Christmas, No Hanukkah in Public Schools - A little girl's sad story
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2006, 03:37:59 PM »
This is an assault on all things Jewish and Christians. I am not Jewish but I have fond memories of my Jewish friends (which I have to this day, some for over 50 years) invitinig me to their celebrations with their families. I remember teachers showing us the joys of both peoples' holidays and holydays. And do you know what? The world did not  come to an end. I for one, will carry the menorah and be more than proud to light a candle. I am not religious at all anymore, but this immoral climate must be brought to a halt.

Offline stevefromqueens

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Re: No Christmas, No Hanukkah in Public Schools - A little girl's sad story
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 05:32:31 PM »
Couldn't agree more. I'm not Jewish either, but I remember the Hanukkah songs I was taught and sang at school with my classmates. We all enjoyed each other and no one had any problems with anyone else's customs. It is amazing that in this "multicultural" society that seems to prize "diversity" above all things that diversity only seems to count with those who do not celebrate the judeo-christian tradition. If you worship a can of soup, or the sun, or want to marry your cat - they'll find a way to celebrate it, but heaven forefend that you should look to the old and/or new testaments for your tradition. This madness has got to stop!