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Gretings from Portugal

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Hello and Greetings from Portugal. I found out this forum recently due to the links that came from this forum that appeared in my webpage dedicated to french thinker Guillaume Faye. I have to say I am not jewish, and have no jewish friends (so far as I know), and I'm not pro-jewish, but for my own people. I define myself as an european Identitarian, or in other words, more than a nationalist, I defend and promote above all (since I am an european) the european right to preserve their own identity, being it in its ethinc or cultural form. I reconize this very same right to all other people of the globe. Personally I belive that Zionism defends that same thing, and for that reason I look at zionism as the healthiest political way for the jewish people. Lets say that my opinions are not so wellcome in some "nationalist" circles in Portugal and in Europe, who still look at jews as evil creatures and denounce paradoxically zionism (nationalism of jewish people) to hide their neurosis against jews.

Finally, just to say that I really share something in common with you, and that is my deepest disdain for Islam and islamist, even if they are yet a small minority in my Country. We, portuguese, have an history of fighting against islam. It took us 500 years to expell that filthy scum out of out land in a process we called Reconquista, and we, identitarians, are commited to do a new Reconquista if necessary, and I do belive that it will be necessary in the near future.


--- Quote ---Vis-à-vis des Etats-Unis, il ne s’agit pas de manifester de l’hostilité, mais de la méfiance.L’objectif est de convaincre les Américains que leur politique extérieure actuelle est erratique et stupide. Notre conviction doit être que la Américains ne seront nos amis que s’ils admettent qu’ils ne sont pas les maîtres du monde. L’arrogance américaine est immature, infantile car elle ne débouche que sur des échecs. Mais, à partir du moment où existerait un ensemble confédéral euro-russe, nous serions tout-à-fait d’accord pour coopérer avec les Américains si ces derniers renoncent à leur tradition impérialiste.
--- End quote ---
:::D :::D :::D :::D yes see his ideas going down well in this forum.

@ Skippy

In "the colonisation of Europe" Faye states that Islam is Europes enemy, and that Israel is our ally.

G.Faye is very concerned about the US "Ghetto:-[censored]-culture, that comes out of the USA.
the masses of deculturalised morakkkans and blakkkks have lost their roots with their traditions,
and are imitating the evil black "culture" of the rap & hiphop.

This is what JTF has been saying also wright???

he calls this subversive hiphop [censored]-Culture a lethal threat ,  in combination with islam , that is responsible for the destruction of Europe, in combination with the historical low birthrate of whites, and the massive - since 2000 years never seen-invasion of non-whites into the lands of Europe, (and the whole western world BTW).

Faye, as a lot of Euro-Siberists, sees the USA as an enemy of Russia, and Europe.

He also sees the world of Islam as a big danger.

According to Faye, the USA is the source of Multi-culturalism/racialism, that started  ± with Martin Luther King.

Of course, this is

Therefore , G.Faye considers the USA, and the multiculturalism/multi-racialism as the second enemy of Europeans/White people, after Islam.

I'm sure not everybody will agree on this, but let's have a debate.

@ Eurovox:
I dislike the EU and the €. Euro that € sign, looks too much like the muslim-moon pagan symbol....

can you tell us how you think about Chaim Ben Pesach's political views?

One more thing: Faye calls for a new reconquista.
That means you and me will hopefully fight Islam out of Europe together !!



--- Quote ---I have to say I am not jewish, and have no jewish friends (so far as I know), and I'm not pro-jewish, but for my own people. I define myself as an european Identitarian, or in other words, more than a nationalist, I defend and promote above all (since I am an european) the european right to preserve their own identity, being it in its ethinc or cultural form. I reconize this very same right to all other people of the globe. Personally I belive that Zionism defends that same thing, and for that reason I look at zionism as the healthiest political way for the jewish people. Lets say that my opinions are not so wellcome in some "nationalist" circles in Portugal and in Europe, who still look at jews as evil creatures and denounce paradoxically zionism (nationalism of jewish people) to hide their neurosis against jews.

Finally, just to say that I really share something in common with you, and that is my deepest disdain for Islam and islamist, even if they are yet a small minority in my Country. We, portuguese, have an history of fighting against islam. It took us 500 years to expell that filthy scum out of out land in a process we called Reconquista, and we, identitarians, are commited to do a new Reconquista if necessary, and I do belive that it will be necessary in the near future.

--- End quote ---

Well, since you know no Jews, I suggest you take your time to meet them here.

What do you think of the Israel - Arab conflict?

Ambiorix I know Faye really well, on the Pan Aryan Forum he was greatly debated.  ::)


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