Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles
Is height important?
--- Quote from: dibblah on August 01, 2008, 01:21:45 AM ---It seems like everbody is the same size in bed...
-Amazing what a bit of basic physical attraction and a king-size bed will enable... ;)
--- End quote ---
Only because heads are level.
I won't be too explicit, and it's best if it is not dwelt on, but suffice it to say that i'm sure that in some relationships with the woman alot taller than the man, the large height difference is intentional. In that particular situation, the last place they would "seem the same height" would be the bed.
Yes, height is important, nobody really wants a 4'11" 35o lb person male OR female. ^-^
--- Quote from: Paulette on August 01, 2008, 05:47:58 PM --- Yes, height is important, nobody really wants a 4'11" 35o lb person male OR female. ^-^
--- End quote ---
I dissagree. (well not about the 350 lb thing)
I dated a 4'11 girl ( a foot and a half shorter than me) and she was great.
The last girl I dated was 4'11" and there was no problem at all. I thought it was cute. And I'm slightly over 6'.
I think if one associates height with masculinity or femininity, one is on a slippery slope.
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