First time i hear this story about the Danish colaboration.
I am very sad.
All White Nations are betraying eachother.
And the once beautiful nations are becoming turd world countries.

I live less then 50 km from Holland.
They were extremely left-wing in the 80 ties.
now the mood starts to change.
I feel VERY embarrassed about what I am about to say, but it was NOT the Danish. It was the DUTCH... Look at the bottom of this post to see the actual comments this angry ex Rhodesian made to us on another website. My apology to all Danish for bringing their name into disrepute and tarnishing their good image. I beg forgiveness from Denmark and Ambiorix!!

... I was wrong about the Danes... it is late and my brain stopped working

eeeeeeekkkkkkk!!!! I got confused between the Danes and the Dutch...
But at the end of the day, what the heck are the Dutch thinking? The worst part is that Boers are of Dutch descent!!!
These are the angry comments made by the man :
Date Posted: Tuesday 01-Jan-2008
I remember so well during the Rhodesian war all the supplies we found in terrorist camps from the Dutch - tinned fish, cigarettes, condoms, powdered milk, tinned fruit, medical supplies etc. etc.
For us Rhodesian troopies, hitting on one of these stashes was usually the best thing since Madison Toasted, we used to chow ourselves stukkend on Dutch goodies, once even finding chocolates!
But now guess what??? The terrorists are amongst you, attacking you in your own cities, they're having their children as your citizens and soon they will over run you useless, spineless nanny-bangers who do not have the gonads to defend yourselves. Be carfeful now that you don't even look one of the okes skeef, they'll invade your arses and declare Holland a Morroccan Colony..Heeheee, talk about the wheel turning - I love it. Go grab yourselves some black donkey now before you have to start wearing veils and calling them boss.