General Category > Introduce Yourself

what you think about Croations

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--- Quote from: Ultra Requete on January 13, 2008, 03:47:21 AM ---He showed his virtue. :o BTW we already do have moSSlime member. ::)

--- End quote ---

Oh Ultra you promised not to tell  :-\ :'( :'( :'(

Croatia is a Nazi country and they did not learn from the past.
They are still the same then in 1945.

i think you are wrong. Every Croat is bad. They supported Tito or Hitler.

Ultra Requete:
Tito was not so bad he fought against Hitler and refused to bow to Stalin. Yugoslavia was more peacfull, independent and wealthier than the rest of the Communist block during his regime.

Croatians first have to ask for forgiveness from Serbs and Jews before we can go any further.


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