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« on: January 11, 2008, 05:06:03 AM »

Jerusalem, Israel
HaRav Yehuda Kreuser SHLIT"A, Rosh Yeshiva

5 Shvat 5768/11-12 January 2008


Pharaoh's servants said to him: "How long will this be a snare for us?
Send out the men that they may serve Hashem their G-d. Do you not yet know
that Egypt is lost?"

Pharaoh dispatched messengers to bring Moshe and Aharon back to the
palace. He said to them: "Go serve your G-d. Who are the people that are
going?" Moshe answered: "We will go with our young and with our old, with
our sons and with our daughters, with our sheep and with our cattle. Just as
we all serve you, so shall we all serve Hashem." Pharaoh, though, objected,
saying: "You only need men for the service of Hashem. For what purpose,
then, do you want to bring the children, they will only get in the way. You
must be planning to escape. I foresee tragedies in your future, for I am an
expert astrologer and I see that the star Ra'a is hovering above the Jewish
people in the desert. That star spells blood, and you will all perish
miserably in the wilderness!"

When the Jewish people heard Pharaoh's prediction, they all trembled

In fact, Pharaoh saw, but did not see correctly. True, the star Ra'a
shows much blood of the Jewish people being spilt. But Pharaoh did not know
that Hashem would convert that blood from death to the blood of
circumcision, by giving the Jewish people the commandment to circumcise
themselves before entering the Land of Israel. So from the blood of death,
it will be turned into the blood of life.

It is well known that the Jewish people are above the mazal of the
stars. So too, we find by Abraham, that even though Abram at first was
destined not to have children, once Hashem changed his name to Abraham, he
would become the father of a nation. For the Jew there is never reason to
despair, for Hashem has made us above the mazal of the stars; it is He
Himself who watches over us.

How very sweet it is, though, to know that king Pharaoh had only our
very best interests in mind by not releasing us from slavery: Don’t take the
children for they will only get in the way, don’t go to the desert for I
foresee blood and I certainly would not want anything to happen to you...

Today, we have the modern king Pharaoh who has descended upon the Holy
Land this week, also with the best interest of the Jewish people in mind.
Just divide the holy city of Jerusalem, it's all for the best... Don’t build
on the biblical lands of your forefathers, not even one caravan, not even a
balcony, or else . . . says king George, but still, it's all in our best
interests... You see, king George can foresee the future, and he sees how
the Jews can hinder that precious black fluid from running smoothly, and so
they must be given over to be divided, weakened and G-d forbid, finally
destroyed. But of course, it's only in our best interests...

The Man
of the Book

Interesting, king George is known as the man of the Book, a Bible
believer, and a true Xtian man. King Pharaoh was also a man of the book, a
true believer. In Pharaoh's book, in which all the gods of his time were
listed, Hashem the G-d of Israel was not. "For he knew not Hashem and would
not send out the Jewish people." Could it be, though, that the great Name of
Hashem was not listed in Pharaoh's book - certainly not. How could the deeds
and miracles performed for Abraham not have been known? Rather, Pharaoh said
that the G-d of the Jews has no strength to save them, for look, "they are
my slaves and I, king Pharaoh, am stronger". So, too with king George; he
certainly is a man of the Book and as a believer knows his Bible, so one is
baffled: How can someone who reads the Bible not see that on every page
Hashem promises the Land of Israel to the Jewish people? Sure, he sees, but
he knows better than the One who formed heaven and earth, for he, Bush,
truly has our best interest in mind...

When the dust settled, Pharaoh finally understood what the real best
interests of the Jewish people are, but only after his country lay in
ruins. Someone, then, should tell Bush what the real best interests are for
the Jewish people, before it's too late. For Hashem has said: Those who
bless you will be blessed - and those who curse you will be cursed.

With love of Israel,
Levi Chazen

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