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Ask JTF For Motza'ei Yom Tov Acharon Shel Pesach, Sunday Night, April 27.
Shalom Chaim,
When Rav Kahane ZT"L was alive, did he ever do work with people in Canada? Was the JDL involved in any issues in Canada?
Thank you.
Best Chaim Ben Pessach,
Thank you for answering my questions and for taking me serious.
You provide good answers and I always enjoy listening to your words!
I want to encourage you continue with these activities.
My question:
In 1995 the Croatian government attacked the Republic of Serbian Krajina and exiled about 500.000 Serbs from the region Krajina which was put under the direct protection of the international community according to the resolution 743/1992 of the UN security council.
Since that tragedy we the Krajina Serbs became a nation in exile.
Most of us live today in the Republic of Serbia but a great number went to other places world wide. In 2006 the government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina was established in exile. The Jews were before the year of 1948 for centuries long also a nation in exile. Can you tell to us, the Krajina Serbs, how a nation in exile should behave?
Second question:
According to the above mentioned resolution 743/1992 Krajina had an special status in the international law.
This resolution and the Krajina's special status in international law have not been repealed by any subsequent UN SC resolution, which means that Krajina, formally according to the UN Charter, still exists!
How can we take the best advantage of our rights?
Should we bring these facts back at the discussion table of the UN?
If the UN decides to ignores their own resolutions than should the further existence of this organization be discussed.
Dear Chaim,
I know how you feel about black culture in America, and I agree with you that many blacks have embraced an evil way of life. I also know how many blacks feel about your program. Have you ever had a situation where black individuals contacted you who truly agreed with you, and were willing to help your movement? My next question is would you encourage right winged blacks to join your movement? Thank you so much.
God Save America, Israel, and the west.
I'm posting this for Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim.
Do you think the particular Canadian Conservatives Tovia Singer spoke of are more Pro-American than George Wahabi Bush and The Republican Party Establishment? I know that George Wahabi Bush and The Republican Party Establishment are Anti-American. Is The Canadian Conservative Party Anti-Canada or do they really care about their country?
Hello Dear Chaim,
Hope you had a joyous conclusion to Passover and all is well. This week I would like to ask you to comment on one of the ridiculous anti-semetic commentaries I have recently come across. This new vicious view says that today's Jews like me and you are actually imposters who can't trace their Jewish heritage back through the generations and instead kidnapped Judaism from real Jews like blacks and others who have a rightful claim to the religion. They talk about some crazy idea that Jews from Europe should actually be known as Khazars, and that they descend from Gentiles and not Jews. Have you heard about this crazy idea, Chaim, and what should be said to counter it and put these lunatics in there place? Thanks very much.
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