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Ask JTF For Motza'ei Yom Tov Acharon Shel Pesach, Sunday Night, April 27.

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Hello Chaim,
Do you think Israel will ever officially recognize the Armenian Genocide considering that more and more Jewish Americans and Israelis call it a genocide? And is Israel's alliance with Turkey so strong that they can blackmail the Israeli Knesset?

P.S. Thanks for answering my previous question because I changed my mind and will continue posting on LL despite their pro-muslim bias.

Hello Chaim,

What do you think about Earth Day being celebrated this week? Also, is it considered to be a "Gentile holiday" meaning Jews aren't supposed to celebrate it?


Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Shalom Chaim,

If you could exist inside a video game, would you rather be Mario, Luigi, or Toad?  ;D

G-d bless you,


Dr. Dan:
Shalom Chaim

Give us your comments about the Pope's visit to Park East Synogogue and Rabbi Schneirman.

Thank you

Dr. Dan

Dear Chaim. What is your opinion on so-called "wiggers"?

These creatures not only act and dress like blacks but also talk like them for example some would use broken English words like "playah", "yo", "'sup", and "dawg."  They also pierce their noses, ears, nipples and even their genitals.
It makes me wonder why they even exist.


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