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Ask JTF For Motza'ei Rosh Hashana, September 24.

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In the past I believe you have expressed a distaste with the income tax system. If Kahanists were in power, what sort of tax system would they adopt to pay for government expenses?   Would it be a head-tax as the Bible condones (like the Machtzis HaShekel)?

Dear Chaim,   ;D

You consistently say the Jewish people are "sick" and "insane." But aren't they really just advanced and "cutting edge" in this Dark Age culture of ours? My philosophy is the world today is very inferior culturally to the 1700s Age of Reason and Enlightenment era -- and the Jews totally reflect this.

One example of this is Hungary. After WWII, there was a small Jewish population which was on the cutting edge of the culture and which hugely pushed Hungary into communism. But in 1989, that same small Jewish minority hugely pushed Hungary away from communism. So isn't it more accurate to say that the avant-garde Jews of today aren't really "sick" or "insane," but just reflective of today's Dark Age culture? 

Many thanks!   :)


Shalom Chaim and Shana Tova and thank you as always for your hardwork and answering my questions.

Just to give you some background about the Nazis and smoking from last weeks question, Adolf Hitler was a vivid anti-smoker and promoted the 1st state run campaign against smoking. Of course it failed miserably as Germans smoking rates went through the roof during the Nazi reign. That is why people call supporters of smoking bans health Fascists.

My question this week is about Paul L. Williams and the possiblity of an American Hiroshima.  I don't know if you ever heard of Paul L. Williams but he is a journalists who has done extensive research on the threat of Islam, and has written some pretty informative books for people who are not as informed as you. Paul Williams has predicted that if the Iranian nuclear reactor is struck then Islam will strike back at the US with suitcase nukes. If a nukes go off across America what will the US response be in your honest opinion, and will life be worth living in post-nuclear America? What are your plans to prepare for this event?

Hi Chaim, I was asked to post this declaration here:

--- Quote ---As Foreign Minister of the virtual State of Judea, Yacov Menashe has established an Embassy to Let Be Land, a microstate (A Noahide's house.) that declared its independence from Argentina, and has appointed Torah Zionist to be The Ambassador. We established the embassy on Let Be Land's Forum and this Noahide, Raul Mario Lavin, has established a Letbelandic Embassy to Judea on the Save Israel section of this forum.

Yacov Menashe has suggested that Chaim Ben Pesach should be Judea's Ambassador to The United States, and in his official capacity of being Ambassador, he should reach out to The Righteous Gentiles to get them to save America.

Noam Federman is The President of Judea. Baruch Marzel is Prime Minister. Itamar Ben Gvir is Defense Minister.
--- End quote ---

What do you think of it?


Did your father ever personally meet Rabbi Kahane?  What did he think of him?  Was he as devout a follower of Kahane and true Kahanism as you are?


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