Author Topic: How do you push yourself?  (Read 3955 times)

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Offline Sarah

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How do you push yourself?
« on: January 16, 2008, 05:34:02 PM »
How do you motivate yourself to acheive or even complete not only goals but everyday tasks?

I sometimes just end up spending half the day, day-dreaming and the other half planning what i'm going to do but never actually doing it.

Any tips or suggestions, everybody can benefit.

Offline Ari

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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2008, 06:08:30 PM »
Great question!

Offline Husar

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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2008, 06:12:03 PM »
If you were a man, I'd say "get a wife",
she would push you ALL DAY LONG,
but you're not, and, in that case, 
I don't know what to tell you...

"Hussar alias Rac (Serb)"
"Hussar or gussar originally meant "a robber" in Serbian. These horsemen served not only under the Polish and Lithuanian colors but also under those of the Holy Roman Emperor;"
"Bardzo prawdopodobne, że początek swego istnienia husarze zawdzięczają Serbom. Po klęsce na Kosowym Polu w roku 1389 wszędzie szukali okazji do pomsty na Turkach.
Jan Długosz zapisał pod rokiem 1463, że w bitwie nad Sawą bił się Cohors Raczanorum (oddział Raców - Serbów). Po śmierci króla Macieja Korwina Serbowie udali się do Polski, aby kontynuować walkę z Turkami po usarsku."
"The hussar concept began in Serbia, near the end of the 14th century. In the 16th century, painted wings or winged claws began to appear on cavalry shields. Wings were originally attached to the saddle and later to the back. In 1645, Col. Szczodrowski was said to have used ostrich wings.
In 1500, the Polish Treasury books make reference to hussars. Early on, they were foreign mercenaries, and were called Racowie from "Rascia" a word meaning "of Serbia." They came from the Serbian state of Ras."
"Serbian Gussars"
"Les serbes avaient reconnu la nécessité d'une cavalerie légère, (...) ils développèrent leur propre cavalerie légère, les GUSARS ou USARS, d'où sont venus les hussards."
"Originaires de Serbie, les hussards furent des cavaliers d'élite, connus surtout en Hongrie puis en France, et imités par la suite partout en Europe."
"The area around the present Zorinsk (Ukrainia) belonged to the Serb Hussar Major Vuyich at the end of the 18th century."
" Arsenije III (...) was inaugurating new Serb infantry and hussar regiments that were sent to the ongoing war."
"Jan Długosz pod rokiem 1463 napisał, że w bitwie nad Sawą, biły się
"Cohors Raczanorum" / Początki husarii w bitwie na Kulikowym Polu
w 1389 r."



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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2008, 06:23:01 PM »
The mortgage, car payment, insurance payments, utilities, groceries, saving for post secondary education for the kid, very expensive hockey etc.....motivates me to get to work lol

Other things, I just KNOW I have to do them and if I dont they wont get done, so I do them ;)


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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2008, 06:41:51 PM »
If you were a man, I'd say "get a wife",
she would push you ALL DAY LONG,
but you're not, and, in that case, 
I don't know what to tell you...

:::D :::D :::D
Good answer Husar O0 :::D

mmmmmmm.....I am a very serious person, and hard work is in Boer blood, and therefore, combining my values and genetics together, I do it. Besides, if i don't do it, who's going to do it? Also, if i don't, eventually i might end up a useless bum

Offline Husar

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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2008, 07:19:57 PM »
If you were a man, I'd say "get a wife",
she would push you ALL DAY LONG,
but you're not, and, in that case, 
I don't know what to tell you...

:::D :::D :::D
Good answer Husar O0 :::D

mmmmmmm.....I am a very serious person, and hard work is in Boer blood, and therefore, combining my values and genetics together, I do it. Besides, if i don't do it, who's going to do it? Also, if i don't, eventually i might end up a useless bum


I am myself very (some would say too much) serious.

I am about to open my own company
of decorative objects, for instance,
which I combine with caricatures drawing,
and, when I am called, book-illustrations...

Whenever I have
some job to do,
I do it "to the bone".

"Hussar alias Rac (Serb)"
"Hussar or gussar originally meant "a robber" in Serbian. These horsemen served not only under the Polish and Lithuanian colors but also under those of the Holy Roman Emperor;"
"Bardzo prawdopodobne, że początek swego istnienia husarze zawdzięczają Serbom. Po klęsce na Kosowym Polu w roku 1389 wszędzie szukali okazji do pomsty na Turkach.
Jan Długosz zapisał pod rokiem 1463, że w bitwie nad Sawą bił się Cohors Raczanorum (oddział Raców - Serbów). Po śmierci króla Macieja Korwina Serbowie udali się do Polski, aby kontynuować walkę z Turkami po usarsku."
"The hussar concept began in Serbia, near the end of the 14th century. In the 16th century, painted wings or winged claws began to appear on cavalry shields. Wings were originally attached to the saddle and later to the back. In 1645, Col. Szczodrowski was said to have used ostrich wings.
In 1500, the Polish Treasury books make reference to hussars. Early on, they were foreign mercenaries, and were called Racowie from "Rascia" a word meaning "of Serbia." They came from the Serbian state of Ras."
"Serbian Gussars"
"Les serbes avaient reconnu la nécessité d'une cavalerie légère, (...) ils développèrent leur propre cavalerie légère, les GUSARS ou USARS, d'où sont venus les hussards."
"Originaires de Serbie, les hussards furent des cavaliers d'élite, connus surtout en Hongrie puis en France, et imités par la suite partout en Europe."
"The area around the present Zorinsk (Ukrainia) belonged to the Serb Hussar Major Vuyich at the end of the 18th century."
" Arsenije III (...) was inaugurating new Serb infantry and hussar regiments that were sent to the ongoing war."
"Jan Długosz pod rokiem 1463 napisał, że w bitwie nad Sawą, biły się
"Cohors Raczanorum" / Początki husarii w bitwie na Kulikowym Polu
w 1389 r."



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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2008, 09:15:46 PM »
Sometimes its hard Sarah , but like Kelly I have living exspenses I have to meet, and once you are the one with the responsibly you just do it.

Many a day I would love to lay in bed, or vege out on the chair, close the door and forget the world..... oh boy yess........ :) When someone bashes down your day dream and you have tasks to do.

The world never stands still, nor should you, a life time is a very short blink of Histories Eye, make the most of it.

Offline Nolandforshalom

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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2008, 09:18:16 PM »
I think of the future, and how im going to get therel
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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2008, 09:25:03 PM »
Sometimes its hard Sarah , but like Kelly I have living exspenses I have to meet, and once you are the one with the responsibly you just do it.

Many a day I would love to lay in bed, or vege out on the chair, close the door and forget the world..... oh boy yess........ :) When someone bashes down your day dream and you have tasks to do.

The world never stands still, nor should you, a life time is a very short blink of Histories Eye, make the most of it.

Exactly, plenty of mornings especially when there is 3 feet of snow to shovel off the driveway before i can even get out and its 10 below Id love to pull the covers back over my head and go back to sleep...but when you are the sole person responsible for everything you just do it.


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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2008, 09:28:05 PM »
Sometimes its hard Sarah , but like Kelly I have living exspenses I have to meet, and once you are the one with the responsibly you just do it.

Many a day I would love to lay in bed, or vege out on the chair, close the door and forget the world..... oh boy yess........ :) When someone bashes down your day dream and you have tasks to do.

The world never stands still, nor should you, a life time is a very short blink of Histories Eye, make the most of it.

Exactly, plenty of mornings especially when there is 3 feet of snow to shovel off the driveway before i can even get out and its 10 below Id love to pull the covers back over my head and go back to sleep...but when you are the sole person responsible for everything you just do it.

You know Kelly only once in my life I was woken up and handed a cup of coffee and told you stay there....

That was when I had my knee reconstructed, only lasted one day :::D


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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2008, 09:38:37 PM »
Sometimes its hard Sarah , but like Kelly I have living exspenses I have to meet, and once you are the one with the responsibly you just do it.

Many a day I would love to lay in bed, or vege out on the chair, close the door and forget the world..... oh boy yess........ :) When someone bashes down your day dream and you have tasks to do.

The world never stands still, nor should you, a life time is a very short blink of Histories Eye, make the most of it.

Exactly, plenty of mornings especially when there is 3 feet of snow to shovel off the driveway before i can even get out and its 10 below Id love to pull the covers back over my head and go back to sleep...but when you are the sole person responsible for everything you just do it.

You know Kelly only once in my life I was woken up and handed a cup of coffee and told you stay there....

That was when I had my knee reconstructed, only lasted one day :::D

Wow you will go to pretty great lengths to get coffee served to you  :::D
I got breakfast in bed on mothers day...the eggs were runny and had a shell and the toast was a little black lol Im pretty sure Adam wont be becomming a chef....but I loved it ;)


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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2008, 09:42:43 PM »
Sometimes its hard Sarah , but like Kelly I have living exspenses I have to meet, and once you are the one with the responsibly you just do it.

Many a day I would love to lay in bed, or vege out on the chair, close the door and forget the world..... oh boy yess........ :) When someone bashes down your day dream and you have tasks to do.

The world never stands still, nor should you, a life time is a very short blink of Histories Eye, make the most of it.

Exactly, plenty of mornings especially when there is 3 feet of snow to shovel off the driveway before i can even get out and its 10 below Id love to pull the covers back over my head and go back to sleep...but when you are the sole person responsible for everything you just do it.

You know Kelly only once in my life I was woken up and handed a cup of coffee and told you stay there....

That was when I had my knee reconstructed, only lasted one day :::D

Wow you will go to pretty great lengths to get coffee served to you  :::D
I got breakfast in bed on mothers day...the eggs were runny and had a shell and the toast was a little black lol Im pretty sure Adam wont be becomming a chef....but I loved it ;)

Awww really he is a sweet boy  O0

And anything for coffee ;)

Offline Boyana

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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2008, 11:41:18 AM »
I do not know,sometime I do Aikido at 5 am  few times a week.But were i
live most of the time is nothing to realy push for.Very easy going life in a way.
I am never stres,but If I have problem,and a lots of problems,I am very
motivated and solve them fast,all energy.
I feel we all need problems to move to grow,to became smart,kind,to learn a lot.
Problems make person alive,that energy waiting to move.

Offline Sarah

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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2008, 01:31:14 PM »
The mortgage, car payment, insurance payments, utilities, groceries, saving for post secondary education for the kid, very expensive hockey etc.....motivates me to get to work lol

Other things, I just KNOW I have to do them and if I dont they wont get done, so I do them ;)

Thats probably why I don't get on and do things quickly......I don't have to pay for everything. Though i'm in debt myself, if i want to do an extra class at school I have to pay for it, if i leave a book at home i've got to pay for it. If I don't pay for it on time, I have to pay for being late as cheapskate school. Nothing is free. :)

Thinking of the future, does work...thanks everyone.


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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2008, 01:49:34 PM »
I find it hard to get motivated...............

So I'm moving to NYC, putting boot pollish on my face and getting EVERYTHING in life curtesy of affirmative action! ;)

Offline Sarah

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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2008, 01:53:03 PM »
I find it hard to get motivated...............

So I'm moving to NYC, putting boot pollish on my face and getting EVERYTHING in life curtesy of affirmative action! ;)

Wheres the fun in that?! :P


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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2008, 01:54:00 PM »
The mortgage, car payment, insurance payments, utilities, groceries, saving for post secondary education for the kid, very expensive hockey etc.....motivates me to get to work lol

Other things, I just KNOW I have to do them and if I dont they wont get done, so I do them ;)

Thats probably why I don't get on and do things quickly......I don't have to pay for everything. Though i'm in debt myself, if i want to do an extra class at school I have to pay for it, if i leave a book at home i've got to pay for it. If I don't pay for it on time, I have to pay for being late as cheapskate school. Nothing is free. :)

Thinking of the future, does work...thanks everyone.

It will all sort itself out for you Sarah!
My dad gave me some great advice when I was a teenager- Be financially independent.
That has worked out great for me, I never rely on anyone else, only myself, I can always count on myself ;)
Youre a smart girl, you can go pretty far in life.

Offline Sarah

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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2008, 02:33:17 PM »
Thanks, that is good advice. I should plan...for the very very very near future to be more independent. :)


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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2008, 02:36:20 PM »
Thanks, that is good advice. I should plan...for the very very very near future. :)
Plan your ESCAPE!

You can speak french.............. maybe Bullcat will let you live at her place as a french au pair girl (that'll impress the other soccer moms no end!). ;)

Offline mord

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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2008, 02:42:15 PM »
In a few yrs you'll probably go to college ,your parents call you into the living room and  say,Sarah we are a bit low on money you'll have to work your way through college working as nanny :o :o
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 02:45:11 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Sarah

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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2008, 02:43:05 PM »
Thanks, that is good advice. I should plan...for the very very very near future. :)
Plan your ESCAPE!

You can speak french.............. maybe Bullcat will let you live at her place as a french au pair girl (that'll impress the other soccer moms no end!). ;)

Bullcat would leave the house and come back to a jungle, with monkies, vine leaves and all. Bullcatjr, is great with animals.

Offline Dexter

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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2008, 02:45:59 PM »
You  O0

Back on topic:
I push myself by thinking about what will happen when I'll get older if I won't learn well. My parents help me a lot and they push me and encourage me.
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

"When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one... When you gaze into the abyss, it also gazes into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #22 on: January 17, 2008, 02:46:49 PM »
Thanks, that is good advice. I should plan...for the very very very near future. :)
Plan your ESCAPE!

You can speak french.............. maybe Bullcat will let you live at her place as a french au pair girl (that'll impress the other soccer moms no end!). ;)

Bullcat would leave the house and come back to a jungle, with monkies, vine leaves and all. Bullcatjr, is great with animals.

We should put it to her......seriously.

Kellymaureen's always wanted a daughter. ;)

Offline mord

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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2008, 02:48:09 PM »
Thanks, that is good advice. I should plan...for the very very very near future. :)
Plan your ESCAPE!

You can speak french.............. maybe Bullcat will let you live at her place as a french au pair girl (that'll impress the other soccer moms no end!). ;)

Bullcat would leave the house and come back to a jungle, with monkies, vine leaves and all. Bullcatjr, is great with animals.

We should put it to her......seriously.

Kellymaureen's always wanted a daughter. ;)
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Sarah

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Re: How do you push yourself?
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2008, 02:53:05 PM »
You  O0

Back on topic:
I push myself by thinking about what will happen when I'll get older if I won't learn well. My parents help me a lot and they push me and encourage me.

Whatever Dexter Lol, you're a genius by nature. The worst that will happen is you'll write a collection of 25 books when you aimed for 30.....and only get one Nobel Prize not two. :)

We should put it to her......seriously.

Kellymaureen's always wanted a daughter.

I wouldn't want to bring that much hell to someones life lol.