The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
A sermon in a mosque, and they say Islam is peaceful....
--- Quote from: fjack on December 08, 2006, 03:33:50 PM ---I am born and bred in this country, in the once former beautiflul borough of Quenns. Queens now is a third world slum. 5 of my ancestors fought in the Revoluntionary war, 7 in the civil war, and all my uncles in WW 2. I intend to fight in Civil War 2 when it comes.
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Yes. A Civil War, a revolution, a Greater Depression all at once.
--- Quote from: sarah.... on December 08, 2006, 04:22:59 PM ---civil war 2?
Haven't you had enough with wars??
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I have.
Preach to your islamic cronies.
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