The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Bridget Gabriel
This Arab woman deserves to be heard and heard all over the country. It should be required listening.
I love Bridget Gabriel what a brave woman
she comes from Lebanon
--- Quote from: sarah.... on December 03, 2006, 05:56:52 PM ---were does she come from?
--- End quote ---
Instead of asking these questions, why don't you watch and listen to the following interview:
Very good Dav. Great video. She is a nice person too... I just hope that while she tells it like it is for Islam, may she also confront the pure fabrication of a "Palestinian People". That would be a real righteous deed as Carter pumps his ilk directed at dissecting Israel while claiming sole credit for the shame of Camp David. Tell me there was no pressure onto Begin to reward Muslim Nazi murderers with the Sinai. One of the great Israeli tragedies......
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