Save Western Civilization > Save Europe

The Decline of France

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Can you imagine what Paris, London, and all of the cities of Europe will look like once they become completely Muslim?
All of Europe will almost overnight become one gigantic stinking outdoor latrine overrunning with human waste and smelling like 40 years of human B.O. with spices rubbed into it.
The entire infrastructure will crumble into dust and decayed rubble, with never a finger lifted to restore it or rebuild anything of value.  CNN will have live coverage of the Imams of Paris torching the entire Sorbonne Library, just as NPR will praise the burning of all non-Islam books and collections at Oxford and Cambridge.
Then, Europe's borders will close, and the new Caliph will daily broadcast quotes from the Qu'ran calling for the destruction of all nations and peoples outside of the extended Caliphate.
Sound far-fetched?


--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on December 24, 2006, 04:42:19 PM ---Can you imagine what Paris, London, and all of the cities of Europe will look like once they become completely Muslim?
All of Europe will almost overnight become one gigantic stinking outdoor latrine overrunning with human waste and smelling like 40 years of human B.O. with spices rubbed into it.
The entire infrastructure will crumble into dust and decayed rubble, with never a finger lifted to restore it or rebuild anything of value.  CNN will have live coverage of the Imams of Paris torching the entire Sorbonne Library, just as NPR will praise the burning of all non-Islam books and collections at Oxford and Cambridge.
Then, Europe's borders will close, and the new Caliph will daily broadcast quotes from the Qu'ran calling for the destruction of all nations and peoples outside of the extended Caliphate.
Sound far-fetched?

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Very well put and totally in agreement ;)

I don't have to imagine it, I see it happening here in Ireland every day. It saddens me so much. We were once the most moral and G-d fearing country in Western Europe and our country is being destroyed with immigration overkill. I have 1/1/2 years of high school left and I've already decided I'm not going to college here. It breaks my heart going into the cities now, they're so full of Eastern Europeans and Muslims. I can't stay around and watch my country being destroyed before my very eyes. Two weeks ago on our school noticeboard they had an bulletin up advertising Arabic language classes. I was so furious I grabbed it and tore it off the board.


--- Quote from: Jizzepie on December 24, 2006, 09:50:30 PM ---I don't have to imagine it, I see it happening here in Ireland every day. It saddens me so much. We were once the most moral and G-d fearing country in Western Europe and our country is being destroyed with immigration overkill. I have 1/1/2 years of high school left and I've already decided I'm not going to college here. It breaks my heart going into the cities now, they're so full of Eastern Europeans and Muslims. I can't stay around and watch my country being destroyed before my very eyes. Two weeks ago on our school noticeboard they had an bulletin up advertising Arabic language classes. I was so furious I grabbed it and tore it off the board.

--- End quote ---
You have to start getting your friends together and have them bombard your MP's there to do something about the immigration and your rights as "invisible majorities" being tromped on.  I have a very good relationship with my Federal Member of Parliament.  I send him all the latest news, statistics and different political perspectives on different pending legislations coming down the shoot.  So far he has turned more Conservative and G-d willing will one day be a Righteous Right Winger.  You'd be very surprized how many politicians are actually very ignorant of politics, political ideologies and history in their entirety.  For example, my Conservative thought, as the propaganda has been pumping out or the past 70 years that Nazism is a "Far Right Wing" ideology when there was very little different, with the exception of its Germanic Paganistic Theosophy, than Soviet Russia under its Communist Tzar Joseph Stalin (The founder of "political correctness").  Bombard your MP's with letters, emails and all the latest applicable news, documentaries, readings etc.  they are probably just as benighted as ours over here in Canada... ;)

Jizzepie, dont give up, even a small group of determined people who havent accepted the old adage "nothing ever changes" can make a difference. Most people, even most Americans arent familiar with how close the West came to losing the Cold War. In 1964 both the Republican and Democractic front runner candidates had platforms of appeasment to the Soviets. But a small group of determined activists, almost all students led the charge to get Barry Goldwater the Republican nomination for President. While Goldwater lost the presidential race, from that time on the Republicans were (mostly) hard-nosed anti-Communists. Goldwaters defeat set the stage for Reagen's victory and the destuction of Communism. Never give up no matter the odds. For if we fail now what world will our children have....


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