Saving Western Civilization must begin with a unrelenting, vigilant National Defense willing to take out targets that are even PERCEIVED as being Hostile to the West and Israel !!
This includes basically wiping out Iranian nuclear complexes and devoting substantial portions of the National budget to funding NON-affirmative action Geniuses to discover new sustaining energies to defuse our dependence on ARAB SHEIK Oil and in the meantime provide legislation for the beginning of drilling in ANWR.
Forget these Global Warming Godless BEASTS !
Next, all borders must be Militarized especially the porous MEXICAN border of America where Terrorists are Sure to Come along with ignorant Chicanos who hate this Country anyway !!
Lastly, the President should create by Executive Order, Detention Centers or INTERMENT CAMPS as they're more unpopularly known by queer Liberals, for American citizens who are deemed a threat or more importantly support the enemy pragmatically... Perhaps they should call it CAMP HOLLYWOOD !
I think we can all say John Adams was on to something with the Alien and Sedition Acts of old ! No form of treason should be tolerated... democracy doesn't mean we can all act like a bunch of APES choking on BANANAS and get away with libel on our nation ! Fred Thompson for one knows we need
Law and Order 
answer your question ?? and yes I'm very close to throwing my support behind Fred Thompson