It has become most apparent that moslems cannot live with anybody. Look around the world and you'll see that there are huge proplems anywhere that these head-banging loons hang out: Phillipines, India, Eastern Europe , Western Europe, Mid East, North america, Australasia name the place, there's towell-head trouble.
As some whimps and girlie-men are squeemish about a final sollution to the islamic question, a more acceptable way of dealing with the problem would be containment.
The first step is to get the Beit Din to nominate what exactly is Greater Israel. Once we establish the boundaries of greater Israel, we can hand control of this real estate to the chosen people as G_d intended.The rest of the Mid East (minus oil fields) we wall up as a combined moslem reserve/ bombing range/toxic waste dump.
This will be a double wall system where the walls have a ten mile killing zone between them patrolled by AC-130 gunships and complete with mines, automated mini-guns, death rays and whatever wonders of technology the Israel/USA/ (post-enema)Europe alliance can come up with. This massive engeneering project will be financed by the (previously arab-owned) oil wells with abundent (cheap) labour provided by the nore benign , non-moslem turd world masses.( U$25 /month plus tent accomodation and all the navy beans they can eat)
In this new, escape proof moslem paradise would be placed all the moslems from all parts of the world without exception. Here they can merrily bang their heads on the rug, howl at the moon and engage in an endless cycle of civil war, pack-rape, slave trading, murder and mutilation and all the other things they love to get up to.....all without bothering the rest of humanity.
Now, this is the final and most important part..............
As we all know these people have proven to be completely incapable of fullfilling even their most basic needs and no doubt the few bleeding hearts left amongst us (that we havn't used as target practive) will demand we send some basic aid. Well, we can use this to advantage.
The afore mentioned aid will be dropped in by a fleet of yellow painted c-130 hercules cargo planes. Occasionally we can use the same planes to drop a fuel-air bomb or two.After about 100 to 150 years, they will begin to worship the "big yellow bird" who gives food and occasionally "divine" wrath. When the new big yellow bird religion has replaced islam, we get some unemployed liberal Hollywood actor to don the Big Bird costume from Sesame Street to go in,become the new Prophet and tell the bone heads how it all works....... Fool proof.