Husar how many languages do you speak?
Your English is great. at least the written form.LOL
Have you ever heard me speaking english ?

I know Serbian, and can guess/know anything
derivating from other Slavic Languages.
I know french, and can guess very easily
whatever other latin language, and many
latin words are similar to Serbian ones.
I know Italian, which I spoke three weeks non-stop,
in Italy proper, and made myself Brothers
with Italians so easily, that was fantastic.
I wish I lived in Italy, not in france.
I know english, and this is useful to discover
the meaning of other germanic languages,
such as dutch, for instance.
I know german, which contains
many words similar to Serbian ones,
like other germanic languages.
I wish I knew deeper Hindu Language,
since that's where we Serbs came from.
India was our Matrice.
I began to know Romanian,
even after only two
(beautiful and warm)
days in Romania.
No Indo-European language has secrets,
except the one that...they're all related.
And a connection exists with Semitic Languages.