Author Topic: How would you advise the presidential candidates?  (Read 890 times)

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Offline Yisrael

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How would you advise the presidential candidates?
« on: January 29, 2008, 03:10:07 AM »
If they came to you for advice, what would it be?

This is my advice.

Mitt Romney - I think that since he has the money he should really use it. He seems to be doing that, but I don't think it's enough. He is so close to McCain in Florida that a bit more money could get him the primary.

Mike Huckabee - Should have left his Religion out of the race. Those who like the fact that he is an ex-Pastor will vote for him anyway, and those that don't like that message shouldn't need to keep hearing it. That Chuck Norris thing was cute at first, but common, give me a break. He is a movie actor with a very low IQ. He explained that he endorse you over McCain simply because he was afraid McCain was too old. Tell that to McCain's 96 year old mother.

Rudy Giuliani - Shut up about 9/11. You keep mentioning it to the point where people feel your exploiting it. Focus more about your experience as the 3rd highest ranking official in the Reagan Justice Dept. and focus on how you reduced crime, welfare, and general spending in NYC. Don't mention 9/11 ever again.

Ron Paul - Nothing more that you can really do. You present your message in a crazy sounding way. Your neo-con naming is ridiculous. It further makes you sound like a lunatic and doesn't gain you points among normal people. Attacking the USA's foreign policy and the war in Iraq in a Bush loving party is crazy. Now you won't even get picked as the Surgeon General.

John McCain - What can I tell you? You seem to be doing it all right. I hope you drop out of the race though for America's sake.

Fred Thompson - I'm not sad to see you go. You entered the race late, and were still number 2 nationally. All you had to do was campaign, and campaign again. Instead you slept it off until Iowa. There you drove through on your bus and waived to some cows. And that was your campaigning. Oh, and you made sure to tell a group of Jewish Republicans who just cheered when someone asked you if you will ever consider freeing Pollard and you answer with a big fat no. You stink as a politician and America is better off that you aren't running anymore.  Oh, and you cost Mike Huckabee the vote in South Carolina.

Dems - I hope you all drop out for America's sake.

Hillary - You messed up beyond repair. You should have kept Bill Clinton to his whores and out of the campaign. You should never have campaigned in South Carolina. It would have been better for them to say Obama won by a landslides in the uncontested South Carolina. Instead, they say you lost in a close contested race, oh, Obama got double the vote. You should have focused on the key states and forgotten about every where else. It failed for Rudy but it would work for you.

Obama - Keep that message of change going. Don't fall into Hillary's trap. Don't go negative at all. Let the people see you as the one who doesn't fight like the Clintons. You will not win the general election but you will be the first black nominee.

Edwards- Stupid move to say you will not seek the Vice Presidency. You should drop out and team up with Obama. An Obama -Edwards team will kill the Clinton machine. Now you will get nothing.


Bloomberg - It's a bit late now, but a Bloomberg - Obama ticket would get you in the White House. You will get all the Independents, most of the Dems, and even some Republicans. You have the money to fund the entire Campaign and it would be well worth it. Speak to your friend Donald Trump. Get him to run for Mayor of NYC. It will help you get re-elected.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2008, 03:29:13 AM by Yisrael »

"Secular Zionism is racism. Religious Zionism is Judaism."
No one who votes for Obama cares that he is a crack addict or a fag. That's the scariest thing about him. --- Bonecrkr

"When I take action, I’m not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It’s going to be decisive."
- George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States of America

Offline Yisrael

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Re: How would you advise the presidential candidates?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2008, 03:13:59 AM »
This is for entertainment purposes only. I would never advise a candidate who's platform is evil. Or perhaps I will, just to make sure they loose.

"Secular Zionism is racism. Religious Zionism is Judaism."
No one who votes for Obama cares that he is a crack addict or a fag. That's the scariest thing about him. --- Bonecrkr

"When I take action, I’m not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It’s going to be decisive."
- George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States of America