Thank you, Skippy.
I will regret you very much, Sister.
I will regret kellymaureen as well,
and Lisa, Mills, Merkava, Boeregenerral,
Mord, Boyana, Electra, Srbin, Serbchicago,
AussieJTFer, JTFFan, Ambiorix,
believe it or not: Golden Pheasant,
and Chaim Ben Pesach, and David Ben Moshe,
and all those with whom I enjoyed so much
sharing everything I could, from my deepest
respect and friendship, to my short-time, but fiery angers.
Forums are definitely not for me,
if I get banned, thing that I believe will happen very quickly,
I'll never again try to enter one, it would be a big waste of time,
since anybody can ban you, just like that...
I hope at least you will all learn
from what is happening to me.

If I'm not banned for being anti-NAZICROAT
(in my colored way of being anti-NAZICROAT),
then, see you all later.
If I'm banned,
I wish you all the Best.