Author Topic: The growing menace of Islam infested UK- Please help JTF!  (Read 1943 times)

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The growing menace of Islam infested UK- Please help JTF!
« on: January 24, 2008, 08:42:24 PM »
This was an article on the muslim pressure groups that are driving the pathetic "open-door" government of the UK to cave in to allowing Sharia Law-

I would have never thought in my lifetime that a nation who's traditional beleifs are founded in Judaic and Christian Law would even entertain this bulls**t.-But it's happening folks and fast.... Please highlight this Ben and David as the UK is the last bastion of Freedom before America gets hit!

We want to offer sharia law to Britain’
By Chris Brown ⋅ January 20, 2008 ⋅  Email this post ⋅  Print this post ⋅ Post a comment

In yesterday’s Daily Telegraph there was an article entitled,  ‘We want to offer Sharia Law to Britain‘.

Sharia Law? Thank you, but, no thank you!  We’ve managed without it for over 1,000 years, and see no reason to avail ourselves of this alien system just yet!

Indeed much of the content of this article was little more than politically correct propaganda, peddling the line that Saharia Law, as practised in Britain focuses mainly on marriage, divorce and financial disputes, and bears little relation to the Sharia of floggings, stoning’s, amputations and beheading’s carried out in hard-line Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia and Iran.  Of course not, but only because they do not, as yet, have the power to torture and kill as they would wish, according to Sharia Law .  A point confirmed by a member of the so called Muslim council of Britain, who is open in supporting the severe punishments meted out in countries where sharia law governs the country, i.e.  cutting off the hands and feet, flogging the drunkard and fornicator, beheading apostates and deniers of Islam.

The article quotes extensively from Dr Hasan al-Tourabi , spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain on issues of sharia law, who has been presiding over sharia courts in Britain for more than 25 years.  Dr Hassan argues that British law would benefit from integrating aspects of Islamic personal law into the civil system, saying, “Whenever people associate the word Sharia with Muslims, they think it is flogging and stoning to death and cutting off the hand,” he says with a smile.

Dr Hassan is at pains to make the distinction between the aspects of law that sharia covers: worship, penal law, and personal law. Muslim leaders in Britain are interested only in integrating personal law, he says.  Dr Hassan makes the distinction between the aspects of law that sharia covers: worship, penal law, and personal law, claiming that Muslim leaders in Britain are interested only in integrating personal law, and that anyway the form of Sharia practised in Britain is really quite benign.  The same Dr Hassan has been parroting the same line since at least 1996

In a further quote from Dr Hassan, we are told, “Penal law is the duty of the Muslim state - it is not in the hands of any public institution like us to handle it. Only a Muslim government that believes in Islam is going to implement it. So there is no question of asking for penal law to be introduced here in the UK - that is out of the question.”

Out of the question?  Oh really!  What you have to understand is that in saying this the good Dr. is engaging in the sort of deception that he is told to use, by the Koran, when dealing with unbelievers.  He no more believes that this statement is set in stone than does the BNP!

For according to the Prophet of Islam, ‘to lie is one of the major sins and Allah will hold you accountable, with the exception of these three’ (in other words, in these three situations you can lie as much as you need to and Allah will not even blink): ‘(1) with your women; (2) in espionage jihad when you are a minority; and (3) in maintaining peace.’ Thus the end justifies the means!

Bearing all this in mind, along comes the Telegraph, to educate us, or should we say, indoctrinate us.  with many quotes from Dr Hassan (who comes from Sudan to lecture us about the joys of Sharia Law).  To this end the Telegraph’s article gives these examples of ‘obligatory ‘ Sharia Law:

• Earnings must be lawfully obtained

• Food must be halal

• Personal hygiene must be of a very high standard

• Couples must have a full bath in flowing water after intercourse

• The body must be covered modestly

• Prayers must be said five times a day

• Believers must fast during Ramadan

 Plus these ‘Strongly recommended’ laws:

• Hands should be washed upon waking up (because one does not know where the hands have been during sleep)

• Believers should wash with water after going to the toilet

• Eating should be done while seated

• The right hand should be used for eating and the left for cleaning oneself

• People should lie down on the right side when going to sleep

• The right shoe should be put on first, followed by the left

• The mouth and nose should be covered when yawning or sneezing

What a simple and innocent interpretation of Sharia we have here.  What could possibly be wrong with such things?  Not a lot if that really were all that was entailed.  But it isn’t, and here the ‘Telegraph’ is at its most willfully deceitful, for its editors and writers know the truth!  What they peddle in so much of this article is an image that would be almost unrecognisable to anyone whom has lived in a country in which Sharia law is fully practised.  You really have to wonder why?

There are no mentions in the article of the other ‘obligatory’ requirements of ‘Sharia’. No mention of Sharia being the only system of law which punishes the victim.  If the Telegraph had wished to give a balanced view it would have included  ‘obligatory’ facts such as these:

Unproved rape (where a Muslim woman makes an accusation of rape that is not accepted) is fornication, punishable by stoning
Exercising your right to freely express your opinion can lead to the death sentence for blasphemy under the Sharia - often by beheading
In the west, in countries such as Britain that have a sizable Muslim population, there are now calls for the Sharia to be adopted for the Muslim community. These calls must be vigorously opposed; the Sharia conflicts with too many basic human values, such as equality before the law, and that punishments should be fitted to the crime.


For centuries, the principle of equality before the law for all citizens has been at the heart of our society.

It has been one of the cornerstones of our liberty, stretching back to the time of Magna Carta. Now, thanks to the pernicious doctrine of multi-­culturalism, it is under attack as never before.

In a political climate of craven appeasement towards Muslim extremism, the Islamification of our country is steadily accelerating. Across large swathes of urban Britain, Muslim practices, customs, schooling and dress-codes now prevail. But perhaps the most dramatic indicator of this process comes from the setting up their own Islamic court to impose Sharia law in civil disputes within their communities.  Never forget though that the end goal intention is for Sharia to totally replace all other systems of law


Have no doubt about it - the misguided creed of anti-racist tolerance as espoused in the media in general will herald a dark new era of judicial intolerance!


Under Sharia law crucial issues such as divorce and child custody are settled by a panel of four senior Muslim clerics and scholars. The age-old British attachment to trial by jury or by magistrates is therefore at risk from an utterly alien Islamic code imported from regions far less civilised and democratic than our own.

Effectively, the integ­rity of British law is in the process of being been eclipsed in parts of of today’s Britain, by quasi-judicial religious zealotry. In what are now becoming Islamic ghetto’s, (shades of Serbia/Kosovo) there are now two legal systems in operation for civil matters, one for Muslims and one for the rest of the population.

The establishment of Sharia law will only increase the trend towards Muslim separatism. The Government is partly to blame as its enthusiastic promotion of the dogma of cultural diversity has encouraged ethnic minority groups to cling to their own traditions rather than embrace Britain’s. But the self-styled community leaders of Islam are also displaying a repellent arrogance towards British law, which they clearly believe is inferior to their own code.

Well, if they really think Sharia law is better than our own, why don’t they go and live in some brutal theocracy such as Saudi Arabia rather than trying to destroy the judicial fabric of Britain? It is sickening that they want to have it both ways: enjoying the fruits of our prosperous society while demanding that their superstitious, barbaric, mis­ogynistic ideology be given official legal status.

Indeed, it is this misogyny that is perhaps the most sinister aspect of the arrival of Sharia law in Britain. For the Islamic code enshrines the institutional oppression of women, treating them as second-class citizens. A wife mistreated or beaten by her spouse is hardly likely to receive much justice from the bearded patriarchs of an Islamic court, for whom anti-female discrimination is part of their theology.

It is telling that when there was a proposal to introduce Sharia law for Muslims in Ontario, Canada, the most vociferous opposition came from female Muslim immigrants who had fled from states such as Iran. “I came here to escape Sharia law,” said one Iranian exile. “Under it, a woman is worth half a man. She has no rights.”

Thankfully, even in politically correct Canada, the proposition was quashed. But Britain under Nu Labour is far less robust.  With our Government too enfeebled to challenge it, the iconcept will spread. More and more Muslim neighbourhoods will start to impose Islamic rules. And the scope of the Sharia judges will be expanded far beyond mere matrimonial and child custody disputes. As claimed, falsely, by Dr Hassan.

Indeed, if his seemingly innocent requests - as per the attitude of the Telegraph’s article, this could just be the first of many steps towards the creation of localised Taliban regimes in Muslim areas of British cities, enforcing their own distorted moral codes, clamping down on alcohol, imposing new forms of censorship, promoting anti-western attitudes and peddling yet more grievances against the British state.

And always, lurking in the background is the threat of terrorism if demands for special treatment are not met. One  Muslim scholar, recently made this menacing comment on any attempt to resist Sharia law: “A Muslim does not have to live in a Muslim state but he must have the right to live by his divine law. If that is denied then he is in Dar al Harb or the House of War and jihad becomes obligatory upon him.”

Muslims continually bleat about so-called “Islamophobia” but the isolation they experience from mainstream society is of their own making. British society has bent over backwards to accommodate Islam. We now have state-funded Muslim schools and Muslim-friendly mortgages. Mosques have been erected across Britain  - yet the wail of the mosque is signaling the end of traditional British justice, as surely as night follows day. Unlike in France, even the hijab headscarf is allowed in schools.

The Govern­ment has already announced that it is planning to introduce Islamic-compliant security bonds in the City. But none of this is ever good enough. The more we fall to our knees, the more emboldened radical Muslims become. That is because we have made the grievous error of thinking that Islam is another religion, like Christianity or Buddhism, based on the individual relationship between the believer and God. In reality Islam, certainly in its modern manifestation, is as much an aggressive political ideology as a faith. The religious and the political realms are merged under Islam, which prescribes a mode of governance for society.

That is why Muslim states are so authoritarian. And it is also why the advent of Sharia law in Britain is so terrifying. It will bring about the end of liberal democracy unless it is stopped. Why is it then that its chief advocates are actually non Muslim liberals - who would be amongst the first of those to be dealt with by a Sharia compliant Britain.  In their misguided creed of anti-racist tolerance the liberal mindset is heralding a dark new era of judicial intolerance.

Help the BNP maintain what we have and restore what we have already lost.  The BNP is now the only national political body that speaks for Britain and its Christian heritage.

Choose wisely - before it is too late!